Page 148 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 148


by bruce fox

Driving Under the Inluence. 

of Your Cellphone

The statistics on accidents caused by texting and driving are alarming. 

Warner Herzog’s new documentary on the phenomenon should be 
mandatory viewing for teenagers unimpressed by those statistics.

irector Werner herzog last year he directed a documentary that having erratically on the road and then 

(Aguirre, the Wrath of God, I believe should be required viewing in see that the driver is distracted by his 
Fitzcarraldo) has been mak-
every high school in America: From One or her cellphone, statistics show that 

ing films that rely on detached, Second to the Next, a 35-minute short many motorists are still not receiving 
objective story-telling to achieve
about the carnage that can result from the message of just how dangerous 

their emotional effects for more than 50 texting while driving.
this behavior is behind the wheel of a 
years and is one of the greats of the New Although across the country Ameri- large vehicle traveling at a high speed. 

german Cinema. Now in his seventies, cans have become more aware of this A 2009 study by the Virginia Tech 
herzog often turns his craft to docu- hazard and most of us experience it Transportation Institute found that 

mentaries rather than feature films, and
ourselves when we observe a car be-
professional truck drivers who were

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