Page 150 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
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by t. Scott jones

Anything but Child’s Play

If your child is arrested or detained, it’s vital to understand 
these important facts about being tried as a juvenile.


t’s saturday night, and you Save injury or illness, learning
and confusion, but it’s important to 
and your spouse are sitting at home of your child’s arrest is one of the stay calm.

watching television when the most upsetting experiences a parent It can be overwhelming at best, but 
phone rings.
can have. Items on your docket now before you do anything, it’s critical to 

“hello, this is the Knox County include conversations with police and contact a juvenile defense attorney 
Juvenile detention Center. We have a Juvenile Court Representative—and who can help guide you and your loved 

your child in our custody.”
that’s before you and your child will ones through the process. Involvement 
What comes next? Who do you call? have to appear in court. You will likely in juvenile court proceedings are just 

What should you do?
feel a mixture of anger, frustration,
as stressful—if not more so—as when

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