Page 152 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 152


by norman D. mcKellar

Dealing with the IRS

No one wants to receive an IRS letter stating that they owe tax debt— 

but these three strategies can help you manage the situation painlessly.

ne of the most anxiety- despair as you begin to open your letter you voluntarily pay them, as voluntary 

inducing events you will from your friends at the IRS. but if that payments are a more efficient manner 
experience is receiving cor- letter says that you owe money to uncle to collect monies owed. This article 

respondence from the Internal Sam, you may have options on how to will focus on a few of the ways you may 
Revenue Service addressed to
resolve your tax debt.
be able to voluntarily settle your tax bill 

you or your company. Much like seeing As the world’s most powerful col- with uncle Sam.
blue lights flashing in your rear-view lection agency, the IRS is focused on 

mirror or being called into the principal’s getting your money. While they have Installment Agreement
office as a student, fear and panic may many mechanisms to take your money The most common repayment 

overtake you and fill you with worry and
and other assets, they would prefer that
method with the IRS is the use of

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