Page 154 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 154


by David valone

Judicial Temperament and 

the Family Court Judge

A family court judge has a responsibility—and privilege—to bring 

order and respect to dificult situations without easy solutions.


ast year, family court judge cause of the higher court stepping in his court, Judge Watkins used frequent 
William Watkins, of Putnam and removing him from the bench was profanity and on at least one occasion 

County, West Virginia, was sus- his conduct in the courtroom. Multiple told a woman to stop “shooting off your 
pended by that state’s supreme videos of Judge Watkins had come to fat mouth. you stupid woman,” while 

court until december 2016,
light showing that he would scream at giving full vent to his own unrestrained 
which is effectively for the rest of his litigants, threaten them, and give them anger. These outbursts often appeared 

term. Although Judge Watkins stood little opportunity to respond to his completely unprovoked.
accused of delayed rulings and failing to harangues. While expecting decorum family court can be explosive 

file orders properly, the most dramatic
and respect from those appearing in
because of the emotional issues and

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