Page 164 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 164

making East Tennessee’s Homes 

and Workplaces smarter,

safer and more Exciting

general Sales Manager dan hoskins 
Jeremy Scurlock loves his job as Pres- adds, “No two days in the field are ever 

ident of SafeT Systems. Part of that may the same. our customers are all types of 
be because of where he works: SafeT people in all types of different environ- 

Systems is a family owned-and-operated ments. but the common result is how 

business that his wife, heather, and her customers’ faces light up once we’ve 
father, Ray Evans, started 15 years ago
completed a project for them.”

in Knoxville, offering residential and That “wow” factor, as Scurlock de- 
commercial security and fire alarm sys- scribes it, is what motivates his profes- 

tems. More than that, however, Scurlock sionalism and drive to please his custom- 
loves the nitty-gritty of what he does ers the most: “When I’m finished with

every day: equipping area homes and a job and I see their expression, I know 

businesses with technologically smart the customer will enjoy that system every 
features that make life safer, more con- single day. They’re going to be happy over 

venient—and a lot more fun.
and over with the money they’ve spent.”
“We all love it,” says Scurlock on be- Customers begin being impressed as 

half of the entire staff at SafeT. “We love soon as they enter the SafeT Systems one- enjoy SafeT Media: home theater that 

putting together the equipment and get- stop showroom. “It’s the most beautiful lets you lose yourself in your favorite 
ting a system right—so that sometimes showroom in Knoxville, hands down,” movie in a venue of unparalleled 

the mechanics of the job seem more like says Scurlock with pride. “When custom- comfort. A previously little-used space 
play than work.” Whether the problem ers walk in here and see, hear, and feel it, like your basement or bonus room can 

to be solved is technical, such as placing they say, ‘I want this in my home.’”
become your family’s favorite spot to 

home-theater speakers in the optimum “We can make it happen for them, too,” relax. SafeT Systems installs premium 
spots for the ultimate sound result, or says hoskins, who has 30 years of experi- sound equipment from top-of-the- 

aesthetic, such as blending those same ence in electronics and audio engineer- line vendors like NuVo Whole home 
speakers attractively with a home’s ing. “from risers to sound dampening, Audio, Sonos Wireless hifi, Rbh, 

d́cor, SafeT Systems has the knowl- we know everything about whole-house destination Audio, NXg, and Pioneer, 
edgeable, experienced, and well-trained audio. Customers aren’t just buying gear as well as Vutec screens. The result 

technicians to succeed.
here. They’re buying an experience, be- will fill your home with professional- 

cause we know how to design and custom quality sight and sound.
install it for their specific setting.”

SafeT Systems offers the gamut of Home Automation
smart solutions for both homeowners A lighting-control system from SafeT

and companies:
lets you operate all your lights from 

anywhere in the house with a smart 
Audio and Visual (Home Theater)
phone or tablet—even from the comfort 

SafeT Multi-Room Music Systems use of your bed! With the press of a single 
attractive components and simple- button, the system’s software responds 

to-use controls to send streaming according to any of the countless pre-sets 

internet radio (Pandora, Spotify, you have programmed into it, including 
Tune-In), radio, MP3, and even on-off or specific dimming of every light. 

satellite- or cable-provided music universal Remote controls let you view 
throughout your entire home. The the current climate of any room in your 

result is concert quality. by adding
home and adjust it from wherever you 
a visual component, customers can
are—even off the premises.


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