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home automation 

The smart Home

The smart home is designed with already familiar, ever present interface • Environmental controls—such 
the homeowner in mind. homeowners with homeowners which has led to the as self-adjusting thermostats that 

want simple systems that are intuitive, perception that technology is sleek and respond to sleeping/waking times.

ergonomic, and pleasantly integrated intuitive. our modern workhorse appli- 
into the home’s d́cor. The smart home ances, in a smart home, anticipate their • Automated home-maintenance 

provides the owner with a greater ease owner’s needs, and they make life not tasks—from light house-keeping, to 
of management and control by under- only physically but mentally simpler.
watering plants when they’re dry, to 

standing and responding to the owner’s In a smart home, sensors, controllers, reminding the owner it’s time to buy 

instructions and preferences with and actuators work together to detect, certain groceries.
intelligence. even when the owner is map, and respond to stimulus. These 

far away.
components communicate via cable
• Responsive lighting—for example, 
Although science fiction has long or wireless transmission to create a lighting that turns itself on when 

portrayed human beings of the future responsive home environment that is people are present and turns itself off 
living in homes that are largely run via more secure, energy efficient, conve- or dims when they’re not.

electronic “servants”—such as Rosie nient, and stress-free for its owner. 

the robotic maid in The Jetsons—the When necessary, the homeowner can • Cooking—the coffee pot and micro- 
growing demand today for home au- monitor and intervene in these interac- wave are only two possibilities for 

tomation has resulted from the advent tions via smart phone, tablet, or other automation.
of smart phones and tablet comput- Internet-enabled device.

ers. These personal devices provide an
Some common functions built into • Energy efficiency—opening and 

smart homes:
closing drapes, shutting off heating/ 
cooling units when doors or win- 

dows are left open, and more. Nest 
Labs’ “learning” thermostats are an 

example of this technology.

Two of the most common and complex 

functions of a smart home are home 
security and audiovisual integration.


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