Page 168 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 168

home automation 

Home security
originally developed for commercial 

and business environments, smart, au- 

tomated security systems have had their 
technological advances adapted for 

home use, where they are becoming in- 
creasingly affordable. The primary fea- 

tures of smart home security: the ability 

to use granular stimulus-response rules 
and the ability to allow owner interac- 

tion from anywhere in the world that he 
or she can access the Internet.

To give an example of what is meant 
by “granular,” consider the familiar 

driveway alarm. When tripped, the 

alarm emits a loud noise that tells little 
about the nature of what tripped it. 

Moreover, the homeowner is very lim- 
ited in deciding what should trip it. Set 

the threshold too low, and false alarms way at this time, so ignore those foot- one-time visitors a key. If someone is at 

from squirrels will become so common steps), duration of disturbance (someone your front door while you are at work, 
that all they do is annoy the neighbors. passed by but didn’t linger), and so on. you can see who it is and decide imme- 

Set the threshold too high, and you have better yet, the responses can be granular diately whether or not to grant access.
defeated the alarm’s purpose.
as well, from sending the owner a text or besides external threats, smart homes 

In contrast, a smart alarm’s possible photo to calling 911. A sensor can also ac- are also better equipped for in-home 

configurations are almost limitless. It can tivate the home’s video-recording system emergencies. for example, smoke and 
be programmed to respond only when (see below).
carbon monoxide detectors—like any 

specific parameters are met: size of in- Another feature of all this granular- other sensors—can be integrated into 
truder (meaning that squirrel or a family ity is that it means you do not have to the system, with actuators and control- 

pet won’t set it off ), time of disturbance be at home to receive every person who lers programmed to respond. Just like 
(the mailman always comes up the drive-
needs access, nor do you need to give
commercial systems, these responses 

can also be localized to the area where 

the problem has been detected, rather 
than causing a whole-house response.

Audiovisual Integration

The first facet of a smart home’s 
audiovisual integration is on the lighter 

side: you can use your system to distribute 
movies, music, or TV from your enter- 

tainment center anywhere in the house. 

Rather than lug media or components 
room to room, you can even enjoy your 

favorite video game wherever you choose.


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