Page 170 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
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home automation 

finally, anytime you need to record 

suspicious activity at your house, you 
can do that, too. Should a break-in suc- 

ceed, for example, the intruder’s image 
can be captured and relayed to off-site 

storage immediately, preserving crucial 

evidence for the courtroom.

Smart technology and smart homes 
are not a passing fad. Allied Market 

Research projects the global smart 
homes and buildings industry to 

If the difference between passive all accessible and directed from a single grow by a compound rate of almost 
home automation and a smart house is wireless control.
30 percent between now and 2020, 
the latter enhances the capabilities of Closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs)
with revenues rising to more than 

the owner, then a principle of domotics and microphones can activate either in $35 billion. As the market expands, 
is to provide the owner with maximum response to a sensor or your remote com- prices will come down and new play- 

information for decision-making. That’s mand, so wherever you are—inside the ers will jump into the business, but 
the second facet of audiovisual integra- premises, or 500 miles away—you can rest don’t trust this smart investment in 

tion. Almost all the information your assured everything at home is as it should your home’s equity to dumb luck.

brain processes comes into it through be. A CCTV may not take the place of a If you’re wondering what domot- 
your senses of sight and hearing. A babysitter, but it will allow you to monitor ics can do for you, seek out a local 

smart house, therefore, has audiovisual your child’s care anytime you want reas- installer with a proven track record 
sensors—cameras and microphones—
surance while enjoying a night out. or if and numerous testimonials from 

so that the owner can see and hear your kids are older, you can make sure thrilled customers: Safet Systems 
everything the house “sees” and “hears.” they’re keeping to their curfew.
Moreover, the home’s audiovisual com- 

ponents are integrated in that they are


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