Page 172 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 172

home automation 

The Best Home Theater

digital media consumption has re- poorly thought-out room mostly loses in that must come together before your new 
shaped the entertainment market land- the exchange. A richer system that hits home theater will make you never want 

scape in the past decade, but much of the sweet spot of the movie theater or to leave the house.
the recent growth has been in hand-held concert hall coupled with the conve- 

devices such as smart phones and tablet nience and ambiance of one’s own home, Location

computers with tiny speakers and tiny however, can offer consumers a best- The primary function of the room 
screens. A recent IbM study estimated of-both-worlds venue to watch movies, where a home theater is located is to 

that mobile music and video usage quin- listen to music, or even play video games keep extraneous noise from leaking in 
tupled between 2008 and 2010 alone. as they were intended: The user fully and your system’s sound from leaking 

Ad Age reports that last year for the first immersed in the experience. hence, the out. Ideally, you would like to have a low 
time Americans spent more time using growing popularity of home theater.
ceiling, solid doors, and thick walls with 

digital media than watching TV.
don’t be misled by the comparison, minimal windows. The room should

Traditional home televisions and though: There’s more to the perfect be rectangular and the floor carpeted
stereos cannot compete with the easy home theater than buying a big-screen or covered by rugs: no concrete, bare 

convenience of viewing a film or listen- TV and attaching a bunch of nice hardwood, or tile. Any windows need to 
ing to an MP3 whenever and wherever speakers to it. We’ve all gone to mov-
be covered with thick curtains. It should 

the consumer has an idle moment, but ies in cheap, flimsy-feeling theaters and not be empty, as this will lead to sound 

neither are most movies or music really attended concerts in barely refurbished echoing, but it should also not have
designed to be enjoyed on the go. A con- athletic arenas—and we know a high- any clutter that creates visual distrac- 

sumer who gives up the convenience of quality audiovisual presentation requires tions. because of the need to minimize 
mobility and personalization of a hand- more than big and loud equipment. A exterior light while avoiding eyestrain 

held to watch television on a regular TV superior facility employs a well-thought- from staring at the screen, you should 

or listen to music on a regular stereo in a
out design to maximize audio and video install dimmer lights. The room’s shape 
performance. below are the major pieces
and dimensions should facilitate correct 

speaker placement.


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