Page 173 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 173


Sound is the hardest part of a home 

theater to get right. You want uniform 
delivery to everyone in the room, so picture

there’s no arguing about the volume one choice here is between a projector 
control. Surround sound—not watch- and wall screen versus a big-screen TV. If 

ing a 3-d movie on the biggest screen you are thinking truly epic and you have 

you can stuff in front of you—is what enough room to support it, then a projec- 
most creates the illusion of being inside tor is the way to go. Although Samsung 

your chosen entertainment experience. now makes a 110-inch screen television 
fortunately, high-fidelity equipment for more than $65,000, a first-rate projec- 

typically comes with automatic speaker tor capable of excellent resolution at

calibration to help adjust levels for less- the same size as the Samsung costs only 
than-perfect rooms that allow less-than- around $4,000. Screens also have other 

perfect speaker placement. You can also advantages besides size, such as portabil- 
use “pink noise”—a test sound you can ity and reduced eyestrain, but a major 

download from the Internet—to check disadvantage is having to keep the room 
speaker setup by turning it on and mov- dark while watching. The fan noise of 

ing about the room to verify uniformity.
some projectors can also be distracting.

When buying speakers, you can choose If your room is not so spacious, the 
among either pre-matched systems or off- lighting is hard to control, or you will be 

the-shelf components. In either case, you mostly watching lower-resolution video furniture designed specifically for home 
will want a center channel, two flanking sources, then a flat-screen TV is likely theater comes with tactile transducers, 

speakers, two or more surround-sound the better choice. To determine the op- or “bass shakers.” These devices turn 

speakers, and one or two subwoofers. If timum size, figure roughly 10 inches of low-frequency sounds into vibrations so 
space is limited, you may opt instead for
screen per foot of distance. So if you’re that you actually feel deep noises such 

a soundbar, which allows some of the sitting five feet from the screen, the as explosions and thunder.
illusion of surround sound with a vastly maximum size to consider for viewing is 

smaller footprint.
about a 50-inch diagonal.
other components

The other equipment in any home 
theater includes wiring, the remote 

Plusher furniture absorbs more control, and video and audio sources. 
sound, which means better audio. do Especially if you are integrating your 

not jam your chairs or sofas against
home theater into a smart-home system, 
the wall, as this position is detrimental you should have the wiring installed by 

to sound quality. Although you want a professional who uses high-quality 

comfortable furniture that provides components. As a percentage of cost, 
plenty of back support, avoid high- wiring is one of the smallest expenses, 

backed chairs that can block the sound so why cut corners, especially when the 
from speakers located behind you. Some
labor of having it redone will be much 

higher than the cost of the wire itself? 

In addition, a professional can make 
sure your wiring is fault-tolerant, safe, 

and flexible.
In today’s smart home, the remote 

control will likely be your phone or your 

tablet, rather than a stand-alone device, 
because of the convenience and flex- 

ibility. otherwise, you want a universal 
remote that is easy to operate by all 

family members.


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