Page 28 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
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From the
y friend,
always sparkled –
and I will never
forget the many
hours we spent
bobby radiated kindness and warmth. he was as
decent and kind as any man I’ve known. his hugs Bobby Drinnon
will always be the stuff of legend.
October 27, 1952 – March 3, 2014
Less than two years ago, bobby learned he had
colon cancer. both of bobby’s sisters had died from
cancer, and bobby was not surprised by his diagnosis.
he moved quickly and began treatment almost immedi- effect of a session with bobby. I am privileged to have
ately—and he fought his illness with every ounce of energy known bobby—and I will forever celebrate the fact that
he could muster until the very end.
bobby was in my life. I know his spirit will also live on
I spent some time with bobby a week before he died. he within me—and with so many of the lives bobby changed.
had returned to his home in Talbott and, during his last Thomas Wolfe wrote: “If a man has a talent and cannot
days, was surrounded by many friends and family. he didn’t use it, he has failed. If he has a talent and only uses half of it,
want a maudlin living room, and, true to his wishes, food he has partly failed. If he has a talent and learns to use the
was everywhere, music was piping through the house, chil- whole of it, he has gloriously succeeded, and won a satisfac-
dren were playing, and long-time friends told stories about tion and triumph few men will know.” I believe bobby drin-
bobby’s wonderful influence on their lives.
non used his talent as best as he could—and, like few men I
I saw bobby as he rested in his room. he was so frail, know, he gloriously succeeded.
and speaking was difficult for him, but he grasped my hand I am going to miss you, bobby. Thank you for being my
and asked about my daughter. That was just like bobby: teacher—and most of all, for being my friend.
“how are you?” I told him that I loved him and that he had
changed my life for the better. he smiled, we hugged, and I
said goodbye.
bobby’s impact on thousands of lives throughout East
Tennessee should not be underestimated. Never does a Steven Friedlander
week pass without someone telling me about the profound
26 maRcH aPRiL 2014