Page 30 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 30

From the



or this issue, furthermore, I believe that many inequalities in insurance 

coverage would be addressed if small business owners were 
we challenged enabled to form associations so that their groups would be 

large enough to have some bargaining power with insurance 
Mark Spurlock, companies. A good example of this that already exists would 

be the Tennessee farm bureau. It costs $25 per year to pur- 
one of our
chase membership in the farm bureau, and the group is open 

to all Tennessee residents—not just to farmers. As a member 
senior writers, to of the farm bureau, you have access to auto, home, and life in- 

surance through farm bureau Insurance of Tennessee (www. 
pass opinion on the If you qualify, you can also purchase group health 

insurance from blueCross blueShield of Tennessee through 
Affordable Care Act
the Tennessee Rural health (TRh) health Plans program 

( As the largest group in Tennessee, the farm 
bureau has some real clout in helping to keep premiums from 

(“deal or No deal,” page 106), a difficult task at best getting out of hand. It’s a numbers game, pure and simple— 
considering, if nothing else, the sheer volume of the
and those with the big numbers have the power.

law itself. We think an article about the ACA—or, as it’s I think that most people believe that when government 
come to be known, obamacare—is a fitting topic for our gets involved, things for the most part don’t get better—they 

annual Top doctors issue. We believe the vast majority get worse. In the Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan reports: 
of Americans are still unsure about how the ACA will “gallup in december had 72 percent of those polled say-

affect them—and there is no question that the healthcare ing big government is a bigger threat to the future than big 
act will affect everyone.
business and big labor—a record high.” on a federal level, we 

Personally, I believe that everyone should have access to have obamacare and the uncertainty it is creating in so many 
reasonable health care insurance if they want to purchase it, people’s lives. on a state level, our legislature is passing bills 

and I believe that all Americans should be able to shop for that are so reprehensible that it boggles the mind. Cityview 
health insurance on a national level—rather than just within has previously covered new laws that limit what injured 

the boundaries of their state. health insurance companies individuals can recover for their injuries—presented to the 
should be required to accept all applicants equally—and this public as tort reform—and the gutting of our state’s Work- 

is a problem that the ACA makes an effort to address.
ers’ Compensation system. further bills that will be voted on

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