Page 47 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 47

takes to get sections from these brains to RS: We section brains sent to us, apply 

the pharmaceutical companies for study. stains as needed, and ship the sections. 
This reduces the time it takes to create Scientists also use our stain to apply to 

the drugs to combat diseases. ultimately, sections they are working on. We also 
if someone you love has one of these dis- provide sectioned brains to pharmaceu- 

eases, our technology could help prolong tical companies and offer assistance to 
their life by getting them the right drug companies that want their study to be 

more quickly.
reviewed and approved by the fdA. In 
addition, with the opening of our newest 

AM: how does your Multibrain Technol- facility (now under construction), we 
ogy affect science and scientists?
will also provide scientific study of the 

sections and reports on the findings.
RS: our technology gives scientists time 

to focus on what they do best: design and AM: You don’t provide the process, just 
conduct experiments, analyze the sec- the service?

tions and write reports. We affect science 
by streamlining the analysis and getting RS: Right. Execution is paramount, so we April Showers 

the results to the drug companies, medi- do not sell kits or the process. Companies 
cal community, and people with diseases buy our service. We also don’t have any & May Flowers

more quickly.
animals, do animal testing, or have the 
chemicals used for that process.

AM: Can you give me an example?
Just as April showers bring 
AM: You already have a successful busi- 
May lowers, so does adversity 
RD: Pat Summitt’s case is a good example.
ness sectioning brains. Why provide sci- 
She discovered she had Alzheimer’s at an entific study of the sections and reports encourage growth. A wise 
person learns everything they 
early stage, when she had what is called on the findings as well?
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)—a can from each experience.

stage at which medications could really RS: Currently, much of the rest of the 
help. To discover such medications, mice world is studying brain sections by Loss of a loved one can 

models of Alzheimer’s disease are used. computer analysis. Computer analysis is teach us how deep is 
one of the hallmarks of the pathology
good, but I believe that we cannot com- our capacity to love.

of Alzheimer’s disease is the “neuritic pletely remove the human element from 
plaque.” These are patches in the brain observations and have a completely accu- Lack of monetary wealth 
teaches us how little
where there is an abnormal accumula- rate study. until computers can acquire 
tion of amyloid proteins. The greater the the visual recognition that a pathologist we actually need.

number of neuritic plaques, the more has after years of experience, computers 
severe is memory loss and dementia. will miss things. A computer may not Addiction teaches us 
powerlessness and humility.
With MCI there is a lower number
recognize a significant anomaly. Again, 
of neuritic plaques and the hope of like the transformation from single-brain 
Disabilities help us 
researchers is that being able to halt or to multi-brain sectioning, there has to
reverse this amyloid accumulation will be a better way to study brains. And I to value abilities.

halt the progression of the disease. The believe that better way includes the use 
mouse models mimic the ever-increasing of not only our computers, but the use of Isn’t it amazing the diference per- 
spective can make? Next time you are 
accumulation of amyloid, so promising our own well-educated, experienced, hu- 
medications can be administered to the man brains. Perhaps the same technology tempted to complain about the rain, 
take a minute to look for a lower.
mice to see if the amyloid accumulation used for facial recognition can be applied 
can be changed. for the past 10 years, to neuropathology.

we’ve facilitated this research. our work 
can accelerate the number of promising Angelique Medow is a 2012 Cityview Entrepreneur and the 

drugs that can be tested.
Principal of Building Ideas, which provides design, decorating, 
consultation, and project management for commercial and 
What does your company provide to residential properties. She also enjoys exercising her degree in 
the world?
journalism from Arizona State University.


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