Page 64 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 64


Your kids can see how they measure next to it is a half-scale version of the frozen wall of ice and dip your fingers 
up to the world’s tallest man (Robert front half of the RMS Titanic. Although into the frigid sea water. Kids can also 

Wadlow, who was a whopping 8’11”) the real Titanic sank in 1912, this send an SoS on a Marconi Wireless and 
and get creeped out by the new pair of permanently parked replica houses the sit in a lifeboat to listen to recordings of 

models of real people with full-body largest museum of Titanic artifacts and survivors telling their stories.
tattoos, multiple piercings, and sub- memorabilia in the world.
information: 800-381-7670; www. 

dural implants, including Erik “Liz- You’ll get a boarding card as you en-
ard Man” Sprague, who sports a split ter, giving the name and traveling class 

tongue and filed fang-like teeth, and of a Titanic passenger or crew member. HOLLYWOOD WAX MUSEUM
Vampire Lady Maria Jose Cristerna, Near the end of your visit, you can find here’s your chance to have your 

whose dental implants are sure to make out if the person on your card made it photo taken in the clutches of King 
you shudder.
to safety or sunk beneath the sea. The Kong, say “I do” at the altar with 

Not freaky enough for you? Walk displays here include both a recreation george Clooney, look over Leonardo 
through the museum’s room of blood- of the ritzy first-class suite of Isidor diCaprio’s shoulder as he leans over 

curdling torture devices. (Thankfully, and Ida Straus and a third-class cor- the bow of the Titanic, moonwalk with 
Ripley’s provides a bypass for those ridor, where your adrenaline levels rise Michael Jackson, shoot hoops with Mi- 

who fear losing their lunch.)
as fast as the water suddenly courses chael Jordan, and share a park bench 
information: 865-436–5096; www. down the stairs (as the lights flicker with Tom hanks as forest gump. menacingly).
At the country’s largest hollywood 
The highlight is the gleaming grand Wax Museum, anyone can hob-nob 

staircase, which you get to ascend on with the red-carpet crowd. You can 
your way to the second floor. upstairs, grab a shot snuggling up to just about 

Yes, that is an iceberg on the Parkway you can tour the bridge and walk out on any actor or sports personality you 
in Pigeon forge. And snuggled right up
the frosty deck, where you can touch a
please. brad Pitt and beyonć might

alongside the miles of trails 

and natural beauty to be 
found in the Smoky mountain 

national Park, your family can 
also explore the history of 

the area and see remnants of 
the people who walked those 

trails before you.

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