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there are plenty of opportunities for kids and 
not talk your ear off, but they’ll cer- 
tainly pose patiently, as will Kristen adults alike to learn about history, science, 
and technology—all while having fun!
Stewart and even donald Trump. (It’s 
harder to get close to Tom Cruise, 

though, since he’s hanging from the 
ceiling, Mission Impossible-style.) of 

course, you can also rub elbows with 
classic stars like Marilyn Monroe, Lu- 

cille ball, and John Wayne. In a grue- 
some mood? The hall of horrors offers 

gore galore.
You can’t miss this museum as you 

drive down the Parkway in Pigeon 
forge. Just look for a 50-foot-tall King 

Kong clinging to the Empire State 
building, right next to a re-creation of 

Mt. Rushmore featuring the famous 
faces of John Wayne, Elvis, Marilyn 

Monroe, and Charlie Chaplin. Sharing 
the parking lot are the wax museum’s 

sister attractions, the Castle of Chaos 
action ride and hannah’s Maze of Mir- 

rors—also great options for families.
information: 865-428-5228; www. and the Furious film series. favorite Your kids will be right in the middle
movie cars here include herbie the of all the action with the more than
Love bug and the deLorean from the 100 hands-on exhibits here. They can 

Back to the Future films.
lay on a bed of nails (yes, they’re real, 
get ready to roll out the red floor- Each vehicle is displayed in a setting and yes, it’s safe), sit in a diner during

mats, because in this gatlinburg mu- from its movie or TV show, complete a 5.3-magnitiude earthquake, or board 
seum, the cars are the stars. here, you with soundtrack. The museum also a train buffeted by 65-mile-per-hour 

can glimpse various vehicles that have now offers in-car souvenir photos with hurricane winds. They’ll love the 
either been featured prominently in the vast majority of its exhibits, so you rock-climbing wall, the indoor ropes 

movies or television shows or that were can actually slide behind the wheel course (50 feet high and billed as a 
once owned by celebrities (including yourself and smile for the camera.
space walk), and the specially designed 

Elvis, Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney, information: 865-430-2200; www. bikes that make 360-degree loops when 
the beach boys, and even dolly Parton).
peddled hard enough. Smaller kids

Take a drive down memory lane with will enjoy the bubble Lab, where they 
cars from The Munsters, Batman, Char- WONDERWORKS
can create a giant soap bubble to stand 

lie’s Angels, and The Beverly Hillbillies The fun begins outside at this interac- inside (and then pop, of course).
television shows or ogle some over-the- tive science museum, which appears to In addition to the science museum, 

top cool cars such as a few James bond be suffering from massive damage after the WonderWorks complex also in- 
favorites or several cars from The Fast
being dropped on its roof right on the cludes a video arcade, a laser tag attrac- 

Parkway. The scene comes to life with tion, the Wonders of Magic show with 
sound effects such as hissing steam from master magician Terry Evanswood, and 

broken pipes and groaning noises from the Wonders of flight tethered hot-air 
still-collapsing rubble. The upside- balloon ride that takes you 400 feet up 

down motif continues in the lobby, so in the air for an amazing view.
definitely look up when you enter to see information: 865-868-1800; www. 

the floor turned into the ceiling and a
set of no-longer-reachable stairs. You’ll 

easily get right-side-up again by walking Katy Koontz, author of Family Fun in the Smokies as well 
through the special inversion tunnel as as the Smoky Mountain Travel Guide app for smartphones, 

you head for the displays.
writes regularly about the Smokies for Cityview.

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