Page 70 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 70

Spring onions, also known as scallions, green 

onions, or baby onions, never fully develop the 

bulb that we eat from other species of onion.

preventing cardiovascular diseases, 
cancers, and some neurodegenerative 

diseases. both onions and garlic are 
natural anti-clotting agents and can 

improve circulation and lower choles- 
terol and high blood pressure due to 

their content of sulfur, chromium, and 
vitamin b6. both onions and garlic are 

especially high in quercetin, a flavonoid 
protecting against heart disease, stroke, 

and some types of cancer. Quercetin is 
an anti-allergenic element and, when 

combined with vitamin C and isothio- 
cyanates, abundant in alliums, has an 

anti-inflammatory effect.
onions can prevent ulcers by absorb- 

ing damaging intestinal gasses and 
preventing the growth of ulcer-forming 

microorganisms. In addition, onions Known for its content of sulfur Adding on the family’s protective 
have been used in traditional medicine (more than 70 different compounds), powers, leeks provide vitamins C, b6, 

around the world to treat earaches and calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium, and K, as well as manganese and iron. 
respiratory disorders. A newly discov- and iron, garlic also exhibits unique Vitamin C helps with wound healing 

ered compound in onions might help health-enhancing characteristics. gar- and collagen formation, while vitamin 
prevent osteoporosis. high in iron and lic contains germanium, a substance b6 is important in efficient energy 

easy to assimilate in the body, onions that promotes healing by alerting the utilization. Vitamin K is a coagulant, 
can help treat anemia, delivering the body’s immune system to harmful and it also stimulates growth of bone 

fully recommended daily dosage in only substances and free radicals. garlic also and connective tissues. Manganese 
100 milligrams. fresh onion juice, mixed emits a type of ultraviolet ray known
combines with proteins that are useful 

in with a bit of vinegar, can help allevi- to stimulate cell growth and rejuvena- for many reactions in the body, while 
ate the sting of a bee or other minor skin tion. In addition, garlic is anti-fungal iron is important in the formation of 

irritations. onion juice can also help and anti-viral. There are more than 70 hemoglobin. Leeks can also play an 
form scar tissue, thus speeding the heal- different infections that garlic can help important role in the prevention of 

ing process.
prevent or cure!
cardiovascular diseases. Leeks have a 
high content of folic acid and provide

a flavonoid called kaempferol; both are 
responsible for protecting blood vessels 

against harmful free radicals.
All in all, the allium family can re- 

ally benefit your health, if not your 
breath. The bad after-taste comes from 

allicin, a powerful and volatile chemi- 
cal released when the vegetable is 

consumed. but fear not: there are ways 
to rectify that socially offensive side 

effect. Try rinsing with lemon juice and 
warm water—or chew on an orange 

peel! other natural remedies include 
anise, fennel, or dill seed. Try accompa- 

nying allium consumption with carrots 
or fresh apples to neutralize the allicin. 

Remember all the positive contribu- 
tions of onions, garlic, and leeks—and garlic has been used by humans for more than 

invite the allium family to your table!
7,000 years. though we most commonly use 
the bulbs, the leaves are also edible.

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