Page 72 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 72

Leeks are a hardy plant that can be harvested 
even during the winter months. the edible 
leaves have a mild lavor similar to onions.


The Lore

Egyptians, who mummified their 
Pharaohs with onions alongside their 

bodies, worshiped onions. The onions 
were considered a symbol of eternity 

(mainly because of their many layers). 
The Egyptians also believed that the 

strong onion scent would prompt the 
dead to breathe again or that the onion’s 

magical powers would provide strength 
in the afterlife. greek athletes drank The Cooking

onion juice before the olympic games We are all familiar with green RECIPE
in order to fortify their bodies. Roman onions, but maybe not so much with 

Emperor Pompei was a fan of onions, green garlic or leeks in our every day 
and one of the first cookbooks written cooking. here are some tips that will Garlic Ranch Wing Sauce

by the Roman epicure Apicius mentions help you incorporate the allium veg- 
onions extensively.
etables into your diet.
4 cup I Can’t Believe It’s

In ancient India, garlic was thought You can substitute the green or Not Butter, melted
to be an aphrodisiac because of its spring version of onion and garlic in 
2 tablespoons Hidden Valley Ranch 
stimulant or tonic powers. Egyptians recipes where you normally use the Salad Dressing and Seasoning Mix 
consumed garlic on a daily basis to keep mature bulbs. Spring onions are a little 
22 tablespoons chopped green garlic 
their immune system strong, while sweeter and have a less sharp taste, 4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
greeks consumed garlic before battles. while the green part of the spring 
1 teaspoon honey
In European tradition, garlic fends off onions provides a fresh bonus. If you 
evil, while dreaming of garlic in the are using only the white part of the 1 teaspoons soy lecithin (optional)
1 teaspoon xanthan gum (optional)
house is a sign of good fortunes.
green onions, match the quantity to the 
Leeks, also known as “poor man’s as- volume of a regular bulb. use the green DIRECTIONS

paragus” are endorsed by hippocrates, part to top off soups, sandwiches, or 1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly 
the ancient greek physician and “father spreads. Spring garlic has a mild nutty in a large mixing bowl. Lecithin 

of medicine,” who prescribed leeks flavor, and you don’t have to peel the and Xanthan gum may be left 
against nosebleeds. The Roman emperor cloves in order to consume it. one stalk out if using immediately. Label 

Nero gained the nickname Porophagus and bulb of spring garlic is equivalent and store in refrigerator.
(“leek eater”) due to his large consump- to a small onion—or a leek and one 

tion of leeks, which he thought would clove of mature garlic.
2. Reheat sauce in a double boiler 
improve his singing voice. Leeks are Many of you use chopped green until liquefied. Toss fried chicken 

Wales’ national symbol. According to onions in omelets and frittatas, but try wings or other desired snack in 
legend, in an epic battle against the eating them raw with a feta, tomato, sauce until coated thoroughly.

Saxons, the Welsh wore leeks in their and bib lettuce sandwich for a healthy 
hats in order to differentiate themselves sidekick. You can add green onions to Courtesy of Kris Johnson, Executive Chef, 

from their enemy. The Welsh won the guacamole or cheese spreads for a less Irish Times Pub & Restaurant
battle and thus the leek became a lucky crunchy texture than regular onions. 

symbol for the nation.
use green garlic in pesto spreads or 
In the united States, garlic was when cooking a Mediterranean dish, Oana Harrison is a Knoxville-based marketing profes- 

persona non grata until the 1940s. such as gnocchi or risotto. grilled or sional and an artist. Born and raised in Eastern Europe, 
Nowadays, in the united States we slightly saut́ed green garlic or onion she provides marketing services to a variety of busi- 

consume 250 million pounds of garlic will make a good side dish for lamb nesses. In her spare time, Oana volunteers for charities 
per year and almost 300 million pounds chops, alongside mashed potatoes. Try such as Random Acts of Flowers, United Way, and The 

of green onions and shallots. So, if you preparing a green garlic or leek soup. Joy of Music School. She also enjoys competing in and 
are not one of the consumers yet, join use raw chopped onions, garlic, or teaching ballroom dancing. She lives with her husband 

the movement!
leeks to top off potato soups and salads.
David and their furry kids: two dogs and a cat.

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