Page 116 - Cityview_May_June_2014
P. 116

Here’s a checklist of factors to 
one of the most significant advan- 
tages of buying a franchise is that the consider in choosing a business 

franchisor often is able to recognize site in addition to price:
an optimum location because of the 
̈ Parking and accessibility 
company’s years of research and 
experience. huntington learning 
̈ Traffic flow
Centers, for example, emphasize 

their expertise in helping franchi- ̈ foot traffic (if retail)
sees choose a promising location
̈ Competition
as a major selling point in their 
success. huntington has found that 
̈ Zoning
when parents drop off their children 

for tutoring, the parents want to
̈ Crime (which will also be a factor
do something while they wait. So 
in your insurance)
huntington prefers to locate new 
franchises in what the company calls 
̈ Nearby complementary businesses
“destination shopping centers”— 
sites close to areas where shoppers Condition (including whether the 
choose to spend considerable time image it projects is the same as Working at Home—of course, the 

(such as malls).
what you desire for your company)
cheapest place to start many businesses 
is your own home. Particularly if the 

Whether or not you decide to go the ̈ Relationship with the owners
major asset of your business is you and 
franchise route, you should think— you are not yet ready to hire employees, 
Room for expansion. (If you 
and research—similarly when locat- ̈ operating out of your home can seem 
expect your business to grow and 
ing your own business. for example, attractive because of all the economic 
has the site you are looking at had a it utilizes office space primarily, advantages (no lease, no commute, and a 
you may be able to acquire the 
similar business to yours that failed?
tax break—for starters). Still, a home- 
extra space now and sublet it based business has several downsides:

Before you start shopping for a spot, until you need it.)

however, you should prepare a writ- It may be difficult to separate home life 
ten description for yourself of what ̈ When negotiating a lease, make from work. Starting a business requires 
sure you have this right to sublet. 
your ideal space needs. In terms of an enormous amount of work and hav- 
location, you should consider not In addition, negotiate terms for ing your place of work always available 

only your customers, but whether it escaping the lease early in case and nearby makes that easier. Your 
is a good spot to attract the demo- your business does not generate as home life, however, will also inevitably 

graphic of employee you need.
much revenue as you expect.
intrude on your business. When work- 

ing you will be too accessible to your 
family, and when trying to squeeze in 

time with your family, you will be too 
accessible to work.

Your business may seem less serious and 
professional to outsiders. You can meet 

with clients in restaurants and coffee 
shops, you can have a topnotch Web site 

that conveys just the right impression, 

and no one need know on the telephone 
that you are calling from a tiny spare 

room in your house. Nevertheless, a 
distinct workplace on your stationery 

and business cards creates a sense of 
permanence and gravitas that the home- 

based business simply cannot attain.


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