Page 118 - Cityview_May_June_2014
P. 118

if it was good to begin with, it’s good
Working from home often curtails 
your business’s growth. If you think of to re-use. look for big companies that 

your business as an organic entity, it are replacing theirs as well as almost- 
can often not expand beyond the pot
new from companies that splurged and 

in which you’ve planted it because you then went out of business.”
will always visualize it within certain 

confines. You may find yourself saying The second way to prioritize is spend 

“no” to bigger and more lucrative proj- money on what makes money. If the 
ects and customers because you cannot equipment is essential to a business 

envision taking them on.
equipment and supplies to operate. function, then it has to be reliable. If 
Cityview spoke with Jim Burns, owner you must cut corners, do so on the 

Another way to save on space is to share of office furniture outfitters, about equipment and furniture that do not 

it. If you can find a noncompetitive—or ways owners can save while decorating generate revenue.
even better, complementary—business and equipping the new space.

to partner with you on a space, you can Burns adds that you should shop with 
leverage the savings on your lease and “You have to be concerned about cost,” suppliers who want to establish a long- 

utilities by utilizing all the advantages says Burns, “and you also must think term relationship with you, rather 
of establishing a business relationship, about the functionality of what you’re than those looking for a quick sale. 

including networking and cross-pollina- buying. In other words, you should “I’m happy to sell someone starting 

tion of customers. Make sure, however, spend more on what I call ‘forward-fac- out used furniture and help them keep 
to have a written agreement with your ing’ furnishings that customers see than their costs down,” he says. “I look at it 

co-tenant that specifies all the rights what is out of the public eye.”
as if they go out of business, they won’t 
and responsibilities of each firm.
be able to buy anything from me in the 

Many times used furniture is sufficient future. I’d rather they be successful 

Furniture and Supplies—once you to meet the needs of both. “high-qual- and keep coming back year after year.”
have a space, it will need to be fur- ity business furniture is meant to hold 

nished, and you must also buy the
up under years of use,” says Burns. “So

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