Page 120 - Cityview_May_June_2014
P. 120

Intellectual Property

In the modern American economy, customers associate the Apple trademark sive search prior to investing significant 
information is king, and almost all com- with certain sought-after qualities, such amounts of capital in signs, brochures, 

petitive advantage arises from ideas and as stylish yet functional design. Apple has and web design. Whereas anyone can 

knowledge. hence, it is imperative to any labored for many years and spent millions indicate a trademark with “TM” after it, 
small business to protect its intellectual of marketing dollars to establish that as- only trademarks registered federally are 

property (IP): those creations of the mind sociation in the mind of its customers.
entitled to have a circled “R” after them. 
such as trademarks, inventions, or works These trademarks must be renewed 

of authorship to which the law in ap- If your business builds similar goodwill every five years.

propriate circumstances can grant owners with your customers, you, too, will want 
exclusive rights.
to have exclusive rights to the name and Copyrights and Patents—In addition to 

reputation you have established. While securing a trademark, many businesses 
Cityview asked local attorney Robert state trademark registration is available may also have intellectual property in the 

Pitts—co-founder of the Knoxville-
through the Secretary of State’s office, area of copyrights or patents it should 
based Pitts & lake—who specializes in many businesses are better suited to seek legally protect. one difference between 

intellectual-property issues and has been federal Registration of their trademark copyrights and patents versus trademarks 

recognized numerous times by Cityview, through the united States Patent and is that the former are both covered exclu- 
Mid South Lawyers, and Business Tennes- Trademark office.
sively by federal law, so you will not file 

see magazines as one of the best lawyers anything with the State of Tennessee.
in the area, what he considers to be the It will cost you $325 or more, depending 

most common IP challenges that confront on the options you select, to secure an ex- Two examples of what your business 

entrepreneurs and start-ups. his answer? clusive trademark with the united States might copyright are a catchy jingle for a 
Trademarks. Entrepreneurs and start- Patent office. An exclusive trademark radio commercial or instructions you have 

ups are well advised to seek advice from
belongs only to you, and gives the owner written for using your product or describ- 
a trademark attorney to help with what of the trademark the right to prevent oth- ing how to perform a business function. In 

can be both a costly area of the law and an ers from using the same or a confusingly other words, it need not be a great work of 

area in which a mistake can leave a fledg- similar trademark to offer similar goods literature or an artistic masterpiece to be 
ling business vulnerable to litigation.
and services.
eligible for copyright.

Trademarks—Every small business While you can search whether a given Patents, in contrast, protect new inven- 

needs to register a trademark—a word, trademark is already registered at the tions, improvements on existing inven- 
slogan, or symbol that identifies the patent office Web site (, tions, and new or improved processes or 

source or origin of goods and/or services it is a better practice to have a trade- methods. Many small businesses will not 

the business provides. “Whether they mark attorney do a more comprehen-
have this form of intellectual property.
are aware of it or not,” says Pitts, “a small 

business has a trademark, so it is the 
universal intellectual-property issue a 

small-business owner has to deal with. In 

order to limit the possibility of conflict,
I recommend highly that you conduct a 

search for conflicting marks before adopt- 
ing a trademark or business name.”

for a major firm or brand, its trademark 
can be one of its most valuable assets, 

represented on its balance sheet by the 
concept of goodwill. Apple, for example, 

draws a premium price on its notebook 
computers and smart phones because

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