Page 12 - Cityview_May_June_2014
P. 12

New Research Shows West Nile 

Virus Can Lead to Kidney Disease!

We all know that one reason infection that can lead to kidney 
Now there’s new 
for using Dayton’s mosquito disease. “As many as 9% of 
evidence that a person 
control is to protect yourself from people who have mild or no initial 
annoying bites and the itching may be susceptible
symptoms may have persistent 

they cause. However, even more to kidney disease West Nile virus infection,” says 
important than comfort is to Baylor University West Nile expert 
years after they have 
protect yourself against the threat Kristy Murray, PhD, DVM.
been infected with
of the dangerous West Nile virus. In a study funded by the 
Since this virus arrived in the U.S. the West Nile virus.
National Foundation for Infectious 

in 1999, an estimated 3 million Diseases, Murray’s team has been 
people have been infected. keeping track of about 200 peo- 

Contracting the virus from birds, Eight in 10 people infected with ple infected with West Nile infec- 
mosquitoes can then transmit
West Nile virus don’t get sick right tion over the last 10 years. About 

it to humans which may lead
away, and the virus can burrow 40% of them now are showing 

to meningitis, encephalitis, and deep into the body. Years later,
signs of kidney disease and last- 
sometimes death.
it can surface with a persistent
ing West Nile virus infection.

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