Page 13 - Cityview_May_June_2014
P. 13

Says William Schaffner, MD, 

professor, and chair of preventive 
medicine at Vanderbilt University 

and president of the National Foun- 
dation for Infectious Diseases,

This study suggests that West 

Nile virus infection not only can persist, SPECIAL OFFERS 

but that like a termite it slowly and surely 

$25 OFF
gnaws away at kidney function.

Initial Service for

A major factor for successful Warmer weather also brings 
Mosquito Control
mosquito control is to start the out carpenter bees, ants, wasps, 
treatment early in the season for yellow jackets, etc., and Day- 
with 6 Month Contract 
landscaping, mosquito resting ton’s can eliminate all of these 
areas,vegetation,trees,and nuisancepests,guaranteed! If 
shrubs as well as breeding sites you think you can just plug up 

25 such as standing water, pool ar- carpenter bee holes to get rid 
eas, and waterscapes. Treatment of them, think again, for they will 

is recommended monthly from just drill new holes in different 
May through October, and Day- areas. As for ants, killing them 

One Pest Control ton’s Mosquito Control Manage- inside doesn’t do much good, 

ment Program uses a treatment for you have to treat an ant 
Service for Warm process that kills existing mosqui- problem at its source, which is 

toes and prevents many of the usually outdoors.
Weather Pests
mosquito eggs from becoming 

biting adults.

Both Offers Expire 6/30/14.



Major credit cards accepted.


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