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Spring 2014 Golf Guide

Six of Knoxville’s

Most Challenging Holes 


No. 16 at Tanasi Golf Course
Braxton hunter, assistant golf profes- This claim is most evident on the 245- 
Tanasi saves its most difficult hole sional at holston hills, however, points yard No. 14, says Derek Sheridan, head 

for late in the round. No. 16, a par-4 to a back-nine hole as the main culprit golf professional at Williams Creek.
that totals 436 yards from the back for inflated scores at the country club: “It could basically be considered a 

tees, gives golfers headaches on a No. 11.
par-4 from the back tees,” says Sheri- 
regular basis.
hunter describes the greens on No. dan. “It’s a beast of a hole.”

Tree trouble will find golfers easily if 11, a 214-yard par-3, as “the most treach- The left side of the hole is home to 
they’re not careful.
erous” on the course.
a handful of trees lining the fairway, 

The hole runs straight with a slight Keeping the ball under the hole, along with houses; the right side, in 
uphill incline and a daunting multiple- hunter says, is vital to saving par on comparison, is also lined with timber.

shelved green.
the hole.
“It’s even difficult for really good 
Adam Jacob, head golf pro at Ta- players,” Sheridan adds.

nasi, says the only way to escape 16’s The hole narrows as it carries up- 
clutches is to nestle into the left half of No. 14 at Williams Creek Golf Course
hill—and if you overshoot the tee shot, 

the fairway.
If you thought par-3 courses were your ball may find itself nestled near a 
“We used to have a giant 50 to 60- just for beginners and kids, think again. cart path or the woods.

foot tree that passed away, and since Williams Creek, designed by famed
The key, Sheridan says, is to not 
then we’ve replanted a few of them— course architect Tom fazio, presents be afraid to lay up to avoid poten- 

and they’re getting bigger. If you hug a challenge to golfers of all ages, back- tially registering a bogey or worse 
your second shot to the right, you’ll grounds, and skill levels.
on the hole.

have tree issues.”
Aside from the frustrating foliage, 

bunkers delicately placed on the right 
side of the green force the golfer to 

place his approach shot just over the 
bunker while not overshooting the 

green itself—no easy task.
Ball flight, Jacobs adds, must be 

factored in when playing No. 16.
A low ball flight, he says, is key to 

avoiding the hanging trees and avoid- 
ing a double or triple bogey to wrap up 

a round.

No. 11 at Holston Hills Country Club

The question of “most difficult 
hole” at holston hills can be a 

touchy subject.
Some might point to the handi- 

capped No. 5, the par-5 that carries a 
hefty 614 yards.

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