Page 129 - Cityview_May_June_2014
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“Kristin Price and GolfTEC have not only “Jason and GolfTEC have provided “Jason has helped me understand 
improved my game, but they have me the conidence to stand over the mechanics of my golf swing.
“I just turned 59 and I am hitting the ball 
helped me really understand the any shot believing in advance that straighter and farther than I ever have.
mechanics of my swing.” –Eric Merrill
I will be pleased with outcome. The video practice gives me instant Jason is a great coach.” –Jef Jacoby
feedback.”–Dr. Stuart Bresee
Thanks Jason”–Don Lee

Wall of Fame

“I received a GolfTEC swing evaluation 
“Kristin is AWESOME! She was patient and 
compassionate with me. She has taken and lesson package for Christmas. I 
am a visual learner so the video 
my swing more on plane and at least accelerated my learning. Jason is
8 strokes of my game.” – Mike Jones
a great teacher.” –Garlena Lee

GolfTEC’s state of the art Improvement Center and Certiied 
Personal Coaches give you all the tools to improve your 

game. Be the next member of the Wall of Fame!
“GolfTEC has two features that have “I have been taking lessons for a year 
To take strokes of your game, improved my golf swing: lessons every e signed up for another year.
and hav
call (865) 566-0505
week and immediate feedback via You will look forward to coming 
the videos. In addition, Kristin is an in for your lesson and interacting 
or visit
outstanding teacher.” –Ken Anderson
with the staf.” – Wayne Wykof

“The sequential lessons started with “It’s absolutely the best swing training “Robert’s lessons at GolfTEC have been with Kristin have been most 
setup and built sound fundamentals.
approach I have ever experienced. outstanding. His ability to breakdown “Lessons and 
Kristin is a great coach, and GolfTEC Kristin’s patient and expert coaching
what I truly need is impressive. I believe rewarding. I have the conidence 
techniques to hit any shot. My goling 
real-time video allows me to see has made signiicant improvements my improvement is much faster due buddies have commented about the 
what I feel.” – Steve Wood
in my golf swing.” – Mike Crompton
to their methods.” –Mel Beech
y game.”– Michael Baines
improvement in m

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