Page 132 - Cityview_May_June_2014
P. 132


by bruce fox

Buying Justice: Political Dollars 

Compromise Equality Before the Law

A growing number of examples show that campaign donations to 

judges can severely damage the impartiality of the recipient.

white paper published cannot be overstated that the integrity the other two branches of government 

by the American Board of
and validity of our courts’ decisions rest and the political process. for example, 
Trial Advocates last year
upon the public’s trust and confidence in according to Mother Jones Magazine, in 

draws attention to several the system... But if the judge’s campaign the 2012 election:
malicious forces currently receives a significant campaign donation 

erodingourcountry’slong-cherished fromoneofthelitigants,theotherside’s • Presidentobama’sre-election 
ideal that everyone receives a fair shot in trust in the court’s impartiality is likely to campaign became the first in united 

the courtroom. In particular, the paper be compromised if not destroyed.”
States history to raise and spend 
sounds an alarm about the growing influ- We daily see the corrosive effects of more than $1 billion.

ence of money on judicial elections: “It
extensive campaign fund-raising on

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