Page 134 - Cityview_May_June_2014
P. 134


by john rodgers

Fighting Fire—On Twitter

Fire safety is important for everyone. Help the message stick with 
your kids by letting them spread the word to their friends.


n the constant buzz and move- learning about how to prevent fires and is Everyone’s fight.” More than 3,000 
ment that most of us inhabit in the fire-related injuries isn’t important, Americans are killed each year by 

21st century, it can be far too easy how many of us really pay attention to fires—and about 17,500 people are 
to tune out information that we keeping our homes and families safe injured. The vast majority of these inju- 

don’t feel applies to us directly. (Of
from fires on a daily basis? how many ries and deaths are caused by fires in 
course fire safety is important—but I’ve of us really know how safe our environ- the home—and almost all of them could 

never been in a house fire and I probably ment is from fires?
be prevented. “There are time-tested 
never will be. This doesn’t really apply The federal Emergency Manage- ways to prevent and survive a fire. It’s 

to me.) So while no one would say that
ment Agency (fEMA) tells us, “fire
not a question of luck. It’s a matter

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