Page 135 - Cityview_May_June_2014
P. 135

taking control of spreading the message will 
help young people to take ownership of their 
own safety—and receiving this message from 

their peers can also help others to take ire 
safety seriously.

of planning ahead,” says the u.S. fire In addition, you can help your The most common cause of cooking 
Administration on their website.
children—particularly older children fires is unattended cooking. how often 

In particular, it is important to educate and young adults—to understand the do you turn your back? #knoxfiresafety
children and young people about the importance of fire safety by encour- 

importance of fire safety—and this has to aging them to communicate this to The highest number of home candle 
be much more than just telling your kids others. Taking control of spreading fires occurs in December. What 

that it’s important. (Okay, mom, sure. Can the message will help young people to causes them? learn more at tinyurl. 
I go outside now?) We have to make sure take ownership of their own safety— com/7jetg38. #knoxfiresafety

that young people, from young children and receiving this message from their 
to young adults, truly understand how to peers can also help others to take fire Did you know that there are five differ- 

prevent fires—and how to reduce injuries safety seriously.
ent types of fire extinguishers? learn 
in the event of a fire.
one important area where teenag- which to use at 

But how can you be sure that the ers and young adults communicate is #knoxfiresafety
message will stick—and that they will through social media, such as facebook 

remember how to stay safe in the
and Twitter. Want to join the fight? use All links are to fEMA and the u.S. fire 
event of a fire? one way is to get them these Tweets to help educate yourself Administration. You can learn more 

involved with your own fire prevention and your community about staying
about fire safety at, 
precautions. Talk to them about why safe and preventing fires in Knoxville and follow @Jodgers313 for more fire 

you do certain things, such as testing and East Tennessee. Then create your safety information for Knoxville.
your smoke alarms every year. let your own fire tweets and add the hashtag 

children help you to change the battery #knoxfiresafety to make fighting fire John Rodgers is a City of Knoxville Fire Inspector in the Fire 
and perform the test. It’s also impor- your fight.
Prevention Bureau, with responsibilities ranging from public 

tant to have a family escape plan in the education to enforcing code. As a 22-year veteran in public 
event that your family ever experiences Are your smoke alarms in work-
service, protecting people is his primary focus, and he believes 

a home fire. let your children make ing order? learn to check at tinyurl. that public education is the key to saving lives and preparing 
suggestions about the best ways to exit com/7s5s538. #knoxfiresafety
everyone to understand that “Fire is Everyone’s Fight.”

every room in your home in the event 
of an emergency, and practice staying Does your family have an escape plan 

low and testing doors for heat so that in the event of a fire? learn more 
your family is familiar with what they about plans at 

would need to do.

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