Page 137 - Cityview_May_June_2014
P. 137

as the irS continues to increase collection 
efforts, business owners should be wary of 
any acts that could be perceived as efforts

to evade reporting or paying employment- 
related taxes. Smart business practices 
would be to never use taxes withheld from an 
employee’s check for any purpose other than 

its intended use.

to avoid the assessment and/or pay- An example of this sort of prosecution A recent example of this trend 

ment of his or her tax.
occurred in the case of United States
involves Richard Whatley, who was the 
v. James and Theresa DeMuro. The owner of multiple staffing companies 

Affirmative Act: The actual comple- DeMuros operated an engineering and in utah. The prosecution contended 
tion of a voluntary and intentional act surveying company out of New Jersey. that Whatley’s actions in failing to turn 
in order to avoid one’s known legal The evidence at their trial showed that over payroll taxes from 2001 to 2006 

income tax responsibility including they withheld more than half million resulted in a loss of more than $2.3 mil- 
the assessment and/or the payment of dollars from their employees’ checks lion in tax revenue. Whatley ultimately 

a tax.
but failed to turn over this money to the entered into a plea agreement and was 
IRS. They also had attempted to evade sentenced to 51 months in prison for 

Intent/Willfulness: Any effort or tax responsibilities by shutting down a willfully failing to pay employment 
attempt to avoid the assessment and/ different company in what the govern- taxes to the IRS. he was also ordered to 

or payment of a tax. Examples of acts ment believes was a strategy to evade pay a fine of $541,513.
which may constitute criminal intent in payment of unpaid employment taxes As the IRS continues to increase 

this regard may include:
for that entity. The convicted couple collection efforts, business owners 
also withheld money from employees’ should be wary of any acts that could 
• filing a false tax return
checks for health insurance, retirement be perceived as efforts to evade report- 

• Creating false records such as
accounts, and child support, but they ing or paying employment-related 
invoices and receipts
failed to provide these funds to the ap- taxes. Smart business practices would 

• Deliberately destroying records
propriate agencies or accounts.
be to never use taxes withheld from an 
• Making false statements to an
After a jury found them guilty of employee’s check for any purpose other 

IRS agent
willfully failing to pay employment than its intended use. If a small busi- 
• Claiming false deductions
taxes to the IRS, the DeMuros each ness owner or other decision makers 

• Concealing bank accounts and/
received 44-month prison sentences have already failed to turn over with- 
or assets
and were ordered to pay restitution of held employee funds, the owner and 

• Cash structuring
$1,337,952.12 to the IRS.
decision makers should immediately 
Another emerging trend in tax pros- contact a qualified tax professional to 
While a “debtor’s prison” does not ecutions is the increase in prosecutions take immediate steps to correct past 

exist in the united States, an emerging against staffing companies and PEos mistakes and provide protection from 
trend in tax prosecutions is indicting (Professional Employment organiza- the long arm of the law.

business taxpayers who have taken tions). These types of companies often 
affirmative action to avoid payment of handle the processing of payroll for 
Norman McKellar is the founder of The McKellar Law Firm, 
payroll taxes. The government views their clients—usually small businesses. 
failure to provide payment for payroll These staffing companies and PEos are PLLC, and the winner of multiple Cityview Top Attorney 
awards. His practice primarily deals with IRS tax resolutions 
taxes as theft, as the employer has also required to pay payroll taxes to the 
taken money from an employee and IRS, and when the companies do not and federal criminal defense. More information on his law 
irm can be found at, or follow him 
failed to pay the withheld amounts to satisfy this requirement, they too can 
the IRS.
face criminal prosecution.
on Twitter @McKellarLawFirm.

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