Page 138 - Cityview_May_June_2014
P. 138


by David valone

Alimony in Tennessee

If there are no children in a marriage—or even if there are—alimony can be one 

of the trickiest parts of a divorce settlement. Here’s what you need to know.


ne of the thorniest ques- In Title 6, Chapter 5, of the Tennessee divorce occur, however, the nurturing 
tions in divorce—especially if Code Annotated, the general Assem- spouse often discovers this arrangement 

no children are involved—is bly outlines the legal justification for has resulted in an unequal distribution 
alimony. It seems to violate the awarding alimony. The state recognizes of future earning power.

entire point of dissolving the
that one spouse may have neglected his Because the state has an interest in 
marriage in that alimony maintains a or her career to care for and nurture
encouraging “family relationships that 

legal and financial connection between the couple’s children, while the other provide for the rearing of healthy and 
two parties who have decided to go their spouse “focused... on building the eco- productive children,” it behooves the 

separate ways.
nomic strength of the family.” Should
state to level the financial playing field

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