Page 18 - Cityview_May_June_2014
P. 18


Letters to the Editor
Comments and questions from our 

readers in Knoxville and beyond.

From the Editor
Thoughtful commentary from Cityview 

Editor-in-chief Steven friedlander.

From the Publisher
Remarks and observations from Cityview 

Publisher Nathan Sparks.

32 30 
Social Calendar
Around Town
Musical legends are the name of the game Though he officially retired in 2006, B.B. 

in Knoxville. Don’t miss Willie Nelson, Alison King—along with his faithful lucille—brings his iconic 
Krauss, or Elvis Costello—and of course, they’re sound to the Tennessee Theatre once again this spring.

only the start of what K-Town has to offer.

34 The Seen

Knoxvillians always make the most of the 44
The Knoxonomist

end of winter. Were you at any of these creative Do restaurants come 
events celebrating the start of spring?
and go frequently on Bearden

• Knoscars Party
hill because they’re bad 
• Spring Fling
restaurants—or because of some 

mystery of the locale itself?
The Knoxonomist investigates.
Conversations: Sam Beall

The current proprietor of Blackberry 
farm has made it his mission to encourage 

connectedness, sustainable living, and family.

40 Dining Out: Savelli’s Italian Restaurant 

once a family favorite, Savelli’s produced

a disappointing experience with slow service, 
underwhelming food, and high prices.

42 Local Politics: Food for Thought 

Knoxville pundit george Korda explores 
the Knoxville-Knox County food Policy Council

objectives—and objective accomplishments.

46 In the Zone: Learning to Eat Well 

former lady Vol Brittany Jackson
Arts in the Back: Mike Berry
discusses top-notch nutritional ideas—and how 
her teams prepared for every game.
Berry discovered his artistic calling when 

he moved to Knoxville. Now, he depicts the energy and 
personality of downtown K-Town in his paintings.

16 may  june 2014

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