Page 48 - Cityview_May_June_2014
P. 48



by brittany jackson

Learning to Eat Well

t my basketball Pat Summitt used to talk a
academy, I don’t talk about lot about nutrition. She talked 

specific foods with the about how eating right would 
kids—what to eat and what not
help in muscle recovery and how 

to eat—but I do stress that it’s important it is to stay hydrated. 
important to understand that what When I was playing for the lady 

you put into your body affects your Vols, whether we were home or 
performance. What you eat affects away, all of us—the coaches, the 

muscle strength and recovery, managers, and the players—al- 
endurance, cardiovascular health— ways had the same pre-game 

the list really does go on and on.
meal of grilled chicken and pasta. 
I think parents have to set good We had plenty of protein and 

examples for their children. My plenty of carbs to fuel us for the 
sister has a 5-year-old son, and I upcoming game. We always ate

spend a lot of time with him. I’m at nice restaurants, too, when we 
very aware that I am a role model were on the road. for example,

for him, and that my sister and
I loved staying in Nashville for 
I have to teach him to eat well.
games; we would stay at the 

I always talk to parents at my loews Vanderbilt hotel and we 
academy about keeping kids active would eat at Ruth’s Chris Steak 

and letting young children play lots house. Pat took good care of us! 
of different sports. I think it’s also In Knoxville, we also often ate

important for all parents to make at Copper Cellar on Cumberland 
extra efforts to instill in their chil- Avenue; I really liked it there!

dren a general understanding of I’m on the road a lot now 
nutrition. for example, it’s worth broadcasting basketball games, 

the extra effort to plan ahead, so and I love Japanese food, so I love 
that after practice kids can eat
finding Japanese hibachi restau- 

fruit and a healthy meal instead of rants. I love cooked sushi, too—just 
a sugary power bar or a fast-food nothing raw, please.

meal. The bottom line: Stay away Now that I have turned 30, I am 
from junk food!
more aware than ever that what I 

of course, sometimes it takes eat is so important. But it’s never 
time to learn your lessons! When I too late to start to eat well. Why 

was in college, I ate nothing green! not start now?
I’ve always been a picky eater, and 

even today I don’t eat lettuce. I
Former Lady Vol and four-time NCAA Final Four 
do, however, now eat broccoli and participant brittany jackson is the owner of the 

asparagus. We always ate Mexican Brittany Jackson Basketball Academy, where she 
food in college—a lot of Mexican oversees player training, camps, and clinics for all 

food, before and after practice. ages and talent levels. For more information, go to 
Now I can’t eat Mexican food

without getting sick!
Photograph by 
bryan allen

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