Page 54 - Cityview_May_June_2014
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the staff of fca serves all at-risk youth of 

Knoxville, striving to constantly adapt their 
services to it the needs of our community.

adopted into a family, it’s a wonderful drive every year because so many of Being sustainable means being flex- 

thing to have taken part in that.”
our residents arrive without anything ible and changing with changing times— 
Part of community outreach,
at all to keep their belongings in. The even when society’s changes might

Christian says, is communicating the response is always overwhelming, and not be what you expect. for the last 50 
fCA’s mission and needs to those the friends Charities even donates years, that’s what the fCA has done.

who can help—including groups suitcases filled with gifts.” (The friends 
such as the united Way of greater also provided the equipment for the HOW TO HELP

Knoxville: “They’ve been a friend fCA’s residential fitness center.)
Besides monetary contributions, the 
and partner for more than 20 years. “This is a generous community,” says fCA is always in need of foster families 

The state per diem doesn’t cover the Christian, “and for anyone out there and volunteers. About $1 million of the 
cost of residential services or pay
who has an interest in our agency, we fCA’s budget comes directly from the 

for a computer lab or the expenses offer tours and will send speakers to area community. for more information, 
of our school. Without the united address any group. We want people to call 865-602-2021, or visit the fCA’s Web 

Way, it would be impossible for us to be able to become involved and know site (which can accept donations via 
provide those to our children.”
what we do.”
PayPal): The site also 

In addition to support from area over the past five years Christian has has a wish list of specific items needed, 
businesses and churches, Christian says learned that even as a nonprofit, the including basic clothing for teenagers 

leadership Knoxville has been a huge fCA has to be accountable: “We have to and twin-size comforters and sheet
benefactor, sending volunteers to help function as a business in this economic sets. You can also designate a gift via the 

with all the upkeep and maintenance
climate. We have to meet state perfor- united Way of greater Knoxville.
a facility such as fCA’s requires, such mance standards, and we have to fight 

as landscaping and holiday decorating. the misconception that you should Mark Spurlock is a freelance writer and sometime computer 
“one thing about East Tennessee,” she have nothing to be a nonprofit. No, programmer who lives with his two children and several ani- 

says, “is all you have to do is let people what a nonprofit has to do to remain mals in Maryville. Besides all forms of writing, his interests 
know there’s a need, and someone will viable is establish a sustainable model are education, the Internet, politics, and the performing 

fill it. for example, we have a suitcase
and sustainable programs.”
arts. You can reach him at

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