Page 52 - Cityview_May_June_2014
P. 52


fca’s staff are trained to treat the causes 
of young people’s dificulties, as well

as the symptoms, and always to put 
residents’ needs before their own while 

they are on campus.

While living at an fCA residence, cli- 
ents learn improved communication and 

social interaction and develop academic 
and personal goals. New Pathways 

Academy is an on-campus school that 
helps residents complete their educa- 

tion through credit recovery and gED 
preparation, so students are prepared 

for both future employment or going on 
to college or vocational training.

Especially on campus, Christian 
insists all fCA staff must have a pas- 

sion for the work and understand that 
resident needs come first before their 

own: “These residences should never 
become a punitive environment. This nonprofit established in memory of symptoms. To address that need, the 

is their home, not ours. once you figure henry louis granju, an 18-year-old fCA sends a speaking panel of high 
out a young person’s story—where
Knoxvillian who died in 2010 after school students to Knox, Monroe, and 

they are—you’ll also understand that becoming addicted to prescription Roane counties to address middle- and 
they are all unique. No cookie-cutter painkillers and opiates and falling high-school students about issues 

treatment is going to work. But you can between the cracks.
such as peer pressure, substance 
always be a role model.”
abuse, and other real-life, high-risk 

for those dealing with severe COMMUnITY OUTREACH
situations they may face.
substance abuse, the fCA offers the Christian explains that another Moreover, most teenage and unwed 

Youth Summit of Recovery: an intense reason the fCA’s core services have pregnancies today require no drastic 
60-day program that has as one of
changed is a better understanding of intervention. The fCA’s Child and Par- 

its grant partners henry’s fund—the
the need to treat causes, rather than
enting Skills (CAPS) program instead 
helps new teen parents stay in school 

while learning how to nurture the 
physical, emotional, social, and cogni- 

tive development of their children. for 
the parents, the CAPS Referral Net- 

work assists with childcare, employ- 
ment, education, and finances.

The fCA also sponsors foster care, 
providing case management and in- 

home services and training—as well as 
monthly reimbursements—to its foster 

parents. Christian calls those parents 
“heroes” and says that they can benefit 

from their fostering experience as 
much as their children do: “The young 

people in all our programs have come 
from tough situations, but when they 

go on to graduate or in some cases be

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