Page 93 - Cityview_May_June_2014
P. 93


ohn Gabriel For lunch seekers who

grew up around the want something a little more 
food industry—“Then I substantial to get them through 

got sidetracked by the there day, Gabriel is offering a 

corporate world,” he Speciically, Forks on the
daily Blue Plate Special: “sort
admits. After spending
Road will be serving corporate of an entŕe and three kind of 

years working in call center business parks that don’t have thing,” he says. So for a mere 
management, the industry was food service—such as call centers $7.50 to $8.00, including drink, 

disappearing around him, being like the ones Gabriel used to you can have grilled chicken with 

sent overseas and drying up in work for. “We aren’t trying to mango chutney, rice pilaf, and 
the recession. So he left that take anyone else’s business; we’re fresh green beans—or a plate of 

world behind and returned to just trying to ill the void that is beef medallions with mashed 
something that had “always been already there “he says.
potatoes and fresh corn.

a passion”: serving people food.
Collaborating with Seasons After business hours, Forks 
Gabriel’s new restaurant which restaurateur and Cityview Top Chef on the Road will turn its wheels 

was two years in the planning
Deron Little, Gabriel has developed toward serving families and 

in collaboration with his sister a menu that he’s sure will please business professionals alike in 
Daisy, a marketing executive
Knoxvillians. “Deron is an old friend apartment complexes and HOA 

in New York City and one
of mine, and he’s making sure I ly club houses by offering curve 
year in the building serves the straight,” says Gabriel. “And though side service at their club house 

community by being mobile— we aren’t afiliate with Seasons, we which is ideal for today’s busy 

as well as serving quality food are using them as our commissary.”
life styles.
at an affordable price. In fact, So you can get much more at “You’re guaranteed 

his restaurant is a food truck: a Forks on the Road than at your to get a good meal 
gorgeous blue and red truck he typical food truck—and all of the at a fair price,”

built himself from the ground ingredients are always fresh. For says Gabriel. It 

up. He calls it Forks on the one, you can pick up one of ive doesn’t get any 
road. “It comes from my love specialty sliders—including the better than that.

of literature and is metaphoric California Style, featuring Benton’s Forks On
of the decision I made to leave bacon—with a side of fresh hand- The Road can

the call center world to purse a cut fries. With your fries your can be reached at 
passion,” he says of the truck’s pick from one of ive in house 865-686-8136 or at 

evocative name.
dipping sauces

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