Page 120 - Cityview_July_August_2014
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Guide to the 

2014 elections

You can’t complain if you don’t vote!

at Cityview, we believe in backing
in our interview with political We hope this guide will serve to help 
our words with action. therefore, in activist, author, and world-renowned east tennessee voters look beyond the 

keeping with our longstanding tradition neurosurgeon ben Carson (page 136), d, the r, or the name that looks familiar 

of encouraging voter involvement, this he laments, “the average american has on august 7. here we provide informa- 
election year we have interviewed can- become uninformed. When americans tion to help you to consider the issues 

didates from five different races that will go into the voting booth, they look for a and the candidates in these very differ- 
touch the lives of east tennessee voters.
‘d,’ an ‘r,’ or a name that looks familiar.”
ent races.

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