Page 121 - Cityview_July_August_2014
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politics: Voting Guide

Tennessee State Senate, District 7 case in circuit court, he says he has expe- ence and knowledge of the law, but on his 
(Page 120)
rience that “a lot of attorneys who are record of fairness. Cityview concurs.

self-proclaimed outspoken incumbent now judges didn’t have when they came 
Criminal Court Judge, 6th Judicial 
Stacey Campfield (r) has brought much to the bench.”
attention to district 7 and all of tennes- in this case, Cityview believes Judge District, Division iii (Page 126)

see. thanks to Campfield, for example, Wimberly’s incumbency and experience knox County assistant attorney 
we’ve been told that the aids virus came trumps ailor’s challenge.
general Leland Price, with 17 years of 

from “one guy screwing a monkey.”
experience in the da’s office, squares off 
Chancellor, 6th Judicial District, Part ii 
it’s time to end the notoriety and against fellow veteran Scott Green, who 
negative attention Campfield has drawn (Page 124)
has spent 14 years as a prosecutor and 13 

to tennessee. Campfield’s challengers it’s hard to fathom the breadth and years as a criminal defense attorney.
include republicans Richard Briggs, depth of the cases heard in Chancery both candidates are eminently 

32-year army veteran, heart surgeon, Court. the Chancellor has the ultimate qualified. this is one race where we 
and current member of the knox County say on everything from adoption to will have a competent new judge no 

Commission; and Mike Alford, a self- life-support termination, from boundary matter who wins.

employed contract entertainment bus disputes to inter-governmental litigation.
driver. Cheri Siler, a curriculum coach “this complexity demands a Chan- Knox County Clerk (Page 128)

for knox County schools and a small- cellor who has experience with these Foster Arnett (r) says that during 
business owner, is the democratic chal- issues–or just has experience,” accord- the past six years, under his leader- 

lenger for the seat.
ing to incumbent Chancellor Daryl R. ship, he has lowered the knox County 

Cityview believes that briggs will bring Fansler (d), who has sat on the bench Clerk’s office operating budget from 
honor and dignity back to district 7.
since 1998. Presiding over this court
$905,000 to $658,000 and has cross- 

is not an entry-level position, he says, trained his staff to improve efficiency. 
Circuit Court Judge, 6th Judicial requiring years of experience to “gain the he says he has eliminated “ghost 

District, Division ii (Page 122)
knowledge and understanding of how employees,” installed a fingerprint 

Judge Harold Wimberly, Jr., was things work.”
recognition time-keeping system to 
former governor ned McWherter’s first not so, according to challenger Clar- eliminate false punch-ins, returned 

judicial appointment in 1987, and he has ence (Eddie) Pridemore, Jr. (r), who overpayment of business tax, and 
won four subsequent elections for his only passed the bar exam in 2011 and that refused to accept campaign contribu- 

seat. he is well-known for his adoption same year opened a solo private practice. tions from employees to avoid accusa- 
program—tennessee’s department of he has only represented a “handful of tions of favoritism.

Child services reports he has overseen cases in knox County courts” —none in Mike Padgett (d) charges arnett’s 

adoptions leading to 1,000 children knox County Chancery court—and more term has brought excessive employee 
being placed in homes—and he credits than 50 percent of his cases have con- turnover and increased wait times for 

his experience as his greatest asset. to cerned court-appointed indigent crimi- services. to Padgett’s credit: When he 
preside over circuit court, a judge has
nal matters, mostly in outlying counties. was elected to the knox County Clerk’s 

to inspire confidence, and Wimberly’s he claims to be experienced enough to office in 1986, there was only one 

record reflects his ability, he says.
handle the rigors of this post.
location serving knox County; during 
Challenger William (Bill) Ailor has as matter of course Cityview sought his tenure he established a network of 

24 years of experience practicing law, the opinions of more than 50 area attor- satellite offices making transactions 
during which he served 17 years as a part- neys who regularly appear in Chancery more convenient and timely.

time administrative judge, handling the Court. Without a single exception all based on our interviews and con- 

cases filed against school systems across were in favor of retaining Chancellor versations with constituents, Cityview 
tennessee. While he has never tried a
fansler—based not only on his experi-
recommends a vote for foster arnett.

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