Page 123 - Cityview_July_August_2014
P. 123

politics: Voting Guide 

Tennessee State Senate, Dist. 7: Campfield v. Briggs v. Alford v. Siler

why have you decided to enter politics?
of tennessee have this information 

back in ’06 [knox County Commis- accessible.
sion] black Wednesday [Jan. 31, 2007] 

thing, i ran unsuccessfully against John the incumbent has been involved in one 

schmid [for county commission]. i controversy after another. How do you 
have always been interested in politics. plan to conduct your political business?

i really got involved when victor ashe Well, i’m not going to be a person 
was our mayor and our subdivision was that’s going to be drawing attention to 

being annexed; it was a land scam.
anybody. i read a lot; i listen a lot. i’m 

not a big person to make claims the 
why did you enter this speciic race?
way Campfield has. You will not find 

frustration. in my endeavors and trav- my name in the newspaper every day.
els, i’ve talked to a lot of people—and i’m more low-key and i like to 
Michael Alford
people want less government and less communicate with people, but i think 
restrictions on their everyday lives. i’m that the next person to hold the posi- 

An “Army brat” born in Germany, all in favor of less government.
tion has to get down to the local level of 

Republican Michael (Mike) Alford was in addition, public notices in news- district 7. With national headlines and 
raised in Clarksville, Tennessee, and papers is a big issue with me. i have national media, i think Campfield has 

has lived in Knoxville for 26 years. been a member of the Coalition for gone overboard and is not properly rep- 
He is a self-employed contract bus open government for a number of resenting the 7th district of knoxville, 

driver for entertainers in Knoxville years. the incumbent, stacey Camp- tennessee. and he’s not representing 

and Nashville.
field, wrote a bill trying to eliminate the everyday person.
them. it’s important to let the people
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why have you entered politics?
what do you ind most 

i have been very dissatisfied with our rewarding about politics?
current representation and i feel that the smiles and people who say, 

something has to change. there has to “thank you for what you’re doing.” and 
be a balance of ideas and a balance of it’s the knowledge that i’m making 

thought. i heard myself complaining someone’s life better and that we’re 

and i finally said to myself “complain- going to leave our state and our city
ing is not going to make anything a better place for my [6] kids and for 

different,” so it’s time to step up and do every other child.
something different.

can one person make a difference?

why are you the right person absolutely. not that it’ll be easy. it’s 
to ill this seat?
about compromise and finding consen- 
Cheri Siler
i’m not a career politician, so i have sus and getting movement. but i think 
a fresh look at what’s happening in it has to start with one person.

Democrat Cheri Siler grew up in our state; i have a strong background 
the incumbent has been involved in one 
Knoxville where her family ran Edwards in education, so i can make informed 
Restaurants. She is a small-business policy decisions; and i have a strong controversy after another. How do you 

owner, has an extensive teaching work ethic and a background in small plan to conduct business?
career, and currently serves as a math- business, so i can also make good i will be level-headed and act with 

ematics instructional coach with Knox decisions that will help small-business common sense. i think the things that
County schools.
owners and workers in our state.
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