Page 124 - Cityview_July_August_2014
P. 124

politics: Voting Guide

Circuit Court Judge, 6th Dist., Div. ii: Wimberly v. Ailor

why are you the right man to retain what’s the greatest obstacle to 

this job?
justice today?
that’s hard to say because that de- Problems arise mostly from the 

termination has to be made by others. expectations of people who come to 

i do know i have an extensive record court and don’t know why it’s even 
that should inspire confidence. to be
there or what it’s there for. that 

a judge and do it correctly is like any creates a problem sometimes.
other referee or umpire: You have to 

inspire confidence in the people who why do you enjoy most about being 

come before you. i do have that record, a judge?
and i just have to rely upon that.
it’s all about people. as oliver 

Wendell holmes said, “the law is not 
why does it matter to the average so much about logic as experience.” 
harold Wimberly, Jr.
Knoxvillian who serves in this position?
People have given me this incompa- 
You may go through your whole
rable gift of experience for all these 

Knoxville native and Democrat Harold life and never have to go to court. i’ve years. it’s a great feeling when things 

Wimberly, Jr., served as general gone my whole life and have never
turn out right.
sessions court judge for 12 years. In had to go to the emergency room, but 

1987, he was Tennessee Governor Ned if i ever had to go, i would want to after nearly 40 years on the bench, what 
McWherter’s irst judicial appointment know the person who’s in charge there compels you to continue?

and has been re-elected four times.
knew what they’re doing and has some i guess you could say i’ve enjoyed

experience and it’s not their first day it. and i can still do this, and that’s
on the job.
continueD on Page 190

what does an administrative judge do?
why do you feel you’re the right person 

an administrative judge hears for this job over the current judge?
complaints that are filed against school i don’t know that i’ll be a better judge; 

systems across the state. initially, in he’s done a good job for the past 27 
1990, when i first started, i think we years in this court and general sessions 

had somewhere in the neighborhood court for 12 years. i just think it’s time 

of 17 to 20 cases per administrative
for a change. i want to give the public 
law judge per year; near the end of an option.

that time, by 2007, it was more like
12 to 15 per year. We had 30 hours of what is the biggest obstacle to justice 

continuing education every year.

in the circuit courts right now, i 
Have you tried a case in this court?
think the court system is not as up-to- 
William (Bill) Ailor
not in this court. i’ve had cases in
date as it should be. i think there’s a 
all three of the [knox County] circuit backlog of cases, specifically in fourth 

Knoxville native and Republican William courts through the past 24 years, but, as circuit, that needs to be addressed and 

(Bill) Ailor has practiced law in Knoxville with a lot of those cases, they’ve settled hasn’t been. technology that is avail- 
for 24 years, 11 of which in a joint [before going to trial]. if i remember able isn’t utilized in the circuit system.

practice with his father. For 17 years, he correctly, the statistics are that in 2012 
served as a part-time administrative law there were only 36 trials in the circuit why does it matter to the average 

judge handling special education cases courts in knox County–and that’s all Knoxvillian who serves in this position?
for the state of Tennessee.
the circuits combined.
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