Page 126 - Cityview_July_August_2014
P. 126

politics: Voting Guide

Chancellor, 6th Judicial District, Part ii: Fansler v. Pridemore

what do you enjoy most about being a knoxville who are more suited for this 

job than me–but they’re not running.
Most enjoyable thing about being a 

Chancellor is not any particular type of what is the greatest obstacle to justice 

case. it’s the challenge every day. i typi- today?
cally don’t go a week without seeing Money. lawsuits are too expensive. 

something new or something i hadn’t the discovery process has taken over 
seen in 10 years. We have such a wide the litigation process, and it becomes 

an expensive proposition.

i have known since third or fourth 
grade that i wanted to be a lawyer and why does it matter to the average 

this is the absolute epitome of being a Knoxvillian who sits on this bench?
lawyer. i’m one of those fortunate peo- if you could be sure that you would 
Daryl Fansler
ple who goes to work every morning never be in court, it might not matter. 
knowing i’m doing what i am supposed the breadth of Chancery court is such 

Raised in Church Hill, Tennessee, to be doing in life.
that you never know if you will. We 

Democrat Daryl Fansler was elected touch so many aspects of people’s lives; 
Knox County Chancellor in 1998
why are you still the right person for the we affect every citizen of knox County.

and re-elected in 2006. He began job?
practicing law in Knoxville in 1989, i want to borrow a quote attributed Does a judge’s party afiliation matter?

and served on the irst mediation to senator lamar alexander: “ i don’t Politics has absolutely nothing to do 

panel in the U.S. District Court for the know if i am the right person for the with this. there are no policies set by 
Eastern District of Tennessee.
job.” there may be 50 other lawyers in
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as a lawyer, what has been your greatest to give voters of knox County a 

choice. they’ve not had a choice for 
graduating law school and working division ii since 1998 in Chancery 

my way through law school; my second court. knox County is more of a con- 
greatest accomplishment was actually servative or republican county, but the 

setting up my own law practice and only choice citizens have had–the only 

becoming successful with it. i hung
choice i’ve had–since 1998 is to vote for 
my own shingle; i didn’t go to a law a democrat.

firm and start with a salary. i went out 
and scraped up work to do whatever
what gives you an advantage over a 

i needed to do. You name it; i’ve done longtime incumbent judge?

it all.
i think my life experiences–not 
just my law practice, but my selling 
Clarence Pridemore, Jr.
as a lawyer what has been your greatest real estate–which is an area covered 
by Chancery court–and my work as a 

Harlan, Kentucky, native and My jury trials. it’s very stressful and researcher and legal assistant for the 

Republican Clarence Pridemore, Jr., difficult preparing for those when you county attorney for Morgan County. 
has sold real estate, retail clothing, have a solo practice to run and you My experience working with the 

and furniture. He earned his law have to do everything by yourself.
public has given me a real good tem- 
degree in 2010 and has operated a solo perament dealing with people. and 

law practice in Knoxville since 2011.
why are you challenging for this being a sole practitioner: you learn
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