Page 128 - Cityview_July_August_2014
P. 128

politics: Voting Guide

Criminal Court Judge, 6th Dist., Division iii: Green v. Price

why are you the right person for this what the greatest obstacle to justice 

My experience. i’ve done this from simply the volume of cases that 

both sides of the courtroom and know every single court in the City-County 

how the system works—not just the building and elsewhere across this 
nuts and bolts of the legal system but state are forced to deal with. i don’t 

the human side of it, too.
think the public fully grasps how 
hard the people within the system 

this is a high proile court. are you work. there is an enormous volume 

concerned with having your rulings of cases that goes through that build- 
discussed and debated?
ing every day.

i’m a big boy; i can get criticized on 
a daily basis. i’m going to do my very Does it matter to the average citizen who 
Scott Green
best, if i’m fortunate enough to be sits on this bench?
elected, to follow the letter of the law the public has to be confident 

Republican Scott Green grew up on
every single time.
that they’re getting a person who 

a farm in Loudon County. He has i’m human; i make mistakes every knows what he’s doing. i’d like to 
practiced law for 27 years, and served single day of my life. if elected i might feel that i have the experience and i 

14 years as a major-felony prosecutor make mistakes from the bench as well. know enough about what i’m doing 
before opening his private practice.
but it will not be from a lack of hard that i’ll be able to get the hang of it 

work and preparation. it will not be very quickly.

from a lack of trying to get it right.
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why do you want to sit on this bench?
what do you consider to be the greatest 

it’s clear what we need is a judge obstacle to justice in the court system 
with the intellectual ability to do a good today?

job; the intellectual demands upon a Making sure indigent defendants 
criminal judge can be tremendous.
are represented well, but also that the 

We’ve also seen how important it
attorneys who are appointed to them 

is to have somebody who lives their are able to make a living and do a good 
private life with honor and integrity. if job. as a judge, that’s something we 

you look at how i live my life outside have to be aware of: to make sure both 
the courtroom, you can see i can do
sides are getting their day in court and 

a good job there. i can be part of the justice is served.

process of rebuilding the trust of the 
people of knox County.
is having only experience as prosecutor a 
Leland Price
this is a high proile court. are you as a prosecutor, i’m sitting down 

concerned with having your rulings with defense attorneys every day, Nashville native and Democrat Leland 
discussed and debated?
and from my experiences i can see Price has served as a prosecutor in 
that’s going to be a challenge when both sides. i think that i have experi- the Knox County DA’s ofice for 17 

you’re making tough decisions because ence in understanding what defense
years. As a member of the Tennessee 
you know somebody’s not going to
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Army National Guard he served in 

be happy; both sides can’t be happy. Iraq as his regiment’s Administrative 
but you just have to live with that and Law Oficer.

develop a thick skin.

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