Page 7 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2015
P. 7
Do YOU have dense breasts?
“It might just be the
greatest cancer risk
you’ve never heard of.”
Karen Rovn - Los Angeles Times
Five facts about dense breast tissue:
Adding screening
1. 40%ofwomenhavedensebreasttissue.
technologies to
2. Breastdensityisoneofthestrongestpredictorsof
mammography for
the failure of mammography to detect cancer.
3. 95%ofwomendonotknowtheirbreastdensity.
women with dense
breast tissue will
4. Breast density is a well-established
predictor of breast cancer risk.
increase detection
5. Lessthan1in10womenlearnabouttheir
by up to 100%.
dense breast tissue from their doctors.
Knoxville Comprehensive Breast Center
1400 Dowell Springs Blvd., Suite 200
Knoxville, TN 37909
(865) 584-0291