Page 27 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
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students, and most of my sales oc- my destiny was, I tried a little bit of ev- 

curred before school—thus not spoil- erything. River outfitter, restaurateur, 
ing the customers’ appetite for lunch. contractor, landscaper, realtor, mort- 

My father advocated my position gage lender, fishing guide, mergers and 
strongly to the establishment but only acquisitions—I tried to do it all.

succeeded in keeping me in school. Never in my wildest imagination did 
My sweet little business was shattered I even consider that publishing would 

by an unreasonable bureaucrat.
become a major part of my life’s work. 
Shortly after graduating high school, When presented the opportunity to 

I was called upon by the New York purchase Cityview Magazine late in 
advertising firm of BBDo to perform
2000, it seemed like a great little side 

a consulting role in an outdoor photo business to compliment my then active 
shoot. My job was to provide loca- mergers and acquisitions and mort- 

tions for shoots based on information gage banking ventures. But each day 
provided by the photographers. This seemed to bring a new challenge—and 

showed me a completely new side
before long it was consuming my full 
of business: the fast paced, high- schedule. Thirteen years later, I am 

octane world of big dollar advertising. still going strong and proud to be shep- 
Compared to my small experience,
herding Cityview into its 30th year.

I was astonished at how they spent I love being an entrepreneur—and I 
money. on one visit to the New York love my role here at Cityview. Thanks 

studios, I saw thousands of slides laid to all of you for supporting the maga- 
out on what seemed to be endless light zine and allowing us to bring you the 

tables—from which only eight photos stories of East Tennessee.
would be chosen for the final ads. They 

had taken a total of 25,000 during their 
shoot in Egypt.

I loved learning about how business 
worked—both big and small. In an Nathan Sparks
An Olive Oil and 
effort to prepare myself for whatever
Balsamic Tasting Bar

Also Offering Artisan
In the longest baseball Ronald Reagan
Foods, Cookware and
game in Major League won re-election
Kitchen Accessories
Baseball history, the against 
Chicago White Sox Walter F. Mondale, 

defeated the Milwaukee carrying
Located 1 Block off Market Square
Brewers 7-6 after
49 states

8 hours and
in the 439 Union Ave • Knoxville, TN 37902

6 minutes of play.
electoral college.
january february 2014 25

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