Page 31 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 31

by Sarah H. clark
simpler, more intimate than the an outlaw and train robber who 
albums that have come before. cleans up his act when he falls in 

R e c e i v i n g a w a r d s and Isbell is open about his strug-
love—only to experience tragedy. 
accolades isn’t a new experience gles with alcoholism—he is just But though Isbell’s stories remain 

for 34-year-old Jason Isbell. Last now one year sober—but sobriety compelling, they don’t take a 
year, his song “Alabama Pines” has done nothing but help his back seat to the guitar-driven 

took home the Song of the Year music. The gained maturity and melodies of the album, and
award from the Americana stability of the new album may be there are some rollicking tunes 

Honors and Awards. This year, partly inspired by his new wife, included as well, most notably 
his new album, Southeastern, Amanda Shires, who is a musical “Stockholm” and “Super 8.”

made NPR’s list of the year’s top force in her own right. The two Yet the album as a whole has 
50 albums and was proclaimed married a mere two days after a coherent arc—Isbell meant

the number one album of year recording wrapped for Southeast- it to, and has said as much: “I 
by American Songwriter.
ern, and the final mixes were ap- just completely did away with 

And not without reason, ei- proved after they returned from [other] considerations for this 
ther. Isbell’s latest record mixes their honeymoon.
record. And made it as if I were 

a newfound vulnerability with As he always has, Isbell uses really making it just for me, and 
his signature emphatic South- the songs on this album to tell for people like me who listen to 

ern rock n’ roll. After six years stories. The opening track, entire albums,” he says.
with the Drive-By Truckers “Cover Me up,” is the hopeful The Knoxville show will 

from 2001 to 2007, this is Isbell’s yet melancholy ballad of new include The 400 unit—and some 
fourth studio album recorded sobriety and reestablishing trust. fan favorites from Isbell’s Drive- 

either solo or with his band, “Elephant” is a heartbreaking, By Truckers days. But the real 
The 400 unit. But Southeastern, melodic tale of the narrator’s star of the show will be the new 

while still unmistakably Isbell, friend and lover dying of cancer. album—and it’s a show you won’t 
is on the whole a bit slower,
“Live oak” recounts the woes of
want to miss.




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