Page 35 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
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Do YOU have dense breasts?

“It might just be the Dr. Kamilia Kozlowski

greatest cancer risk
played a major role

in this law getting 
you’ve never heard of.” 
passed by bringing this 

Karen Rovn - Los Angeles Times
important issue to the 

State Legislature. It was

signed into Tennessee Law June

Five facts about dense breast tissue:
of 2013. This law, called the “Breast 

1. 40%ofwomenhavedensebreasttissue.
Cancer Protection Law” will now 

aford all Tennessean women as of 
2. Breastdensityisoneofthestrongestpredictors 

of the failure of mammography to detect cancer.
January, 2014 to know if they have

3. 95% of women do not know their breast density.
a dense mammographic pattern

on screening mammography. Now 
4. Breast density is a well-established 
predictor of breast cancer risk.
they will be able to discuss with their 

5. Lessthan1in10womenlearnabouttheir 
doctors the ways they can protect 
dense breast tissue from their doctors.
themselves in a situation when the 

mammogram is less sensitive and 

can miss more breast cancers.
Adding screening 

technologies to 


for women with

dense breast tissue will increase 

detection by up to 100%.

Knoxville Comprehensive Breast Center 

1400 Dowell Springs Blvd., Suite 200 
The Boutique at KCBC
Knoxville, TN 37909 
Our boutique promotes the well-being and
personal appearance of women after breast
cancer. Shop our ine selection of bras, 
prosthetics, wigs and pink ribbon items.
(865) 584-0291

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