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by brittany jackson

Life in the Bubble

graduated from the into trouble. An athlete at uT has 

university of Tennessee in to realize that he or she is almost 
2005, and it’s been more than 12
always being watched. An athlete 

years now since I graduated from has to grow up faster; it just goes 
Bradley Central High School in with the territory.

Cleveland, Tennessee, and joined I remember one time early in my 
the Lady Vols. When my family uT career when I was 3 minutes 

and I were discussing where I late to a class. By the time I got
should go to college—and we knew to practice later in the afternoon, 

the decision really would affect the Coach Summitt knew I had been 
rest of my life—I knew, in the end, late. Needless to say, Coach wasn’t 

that I couldn’t go wrong if I chose pleased. “Every decision you make 
to play at uT—and for legendary affects the rest of the team,” Coach 

coach Pat Summitt.
Summitt used to say. And she was 
But I knew that there were
right. She knew that to win we

pros and cons of joining a major had to separate ourselves from the 
program such as the Lady Vols. I pack—and she really meant that 

was only 17 years old the summer
both on and off the court.
I came to Knoxville for classes
I would imagine one of Pat Sum- 

and to start working out with the mitt’s proudest achievements is 
team—and nothing could prepare
the 100 percent graduation rate of 

a teenager for the eye-opening her players. I remember talking to 
experience of joining an elite, high- Chamique Holdsclaw about why 

profile, Division I team. Suddenly, she left the northeast and decided 
I was “living in the bubble.” And it to come to Tennessee. She said she 

was definitely an adjustment.
was tired of the cold weather, for 
Athletes at uT—and this was sure, but the number one reason? 

particularly true for anyone play- “Everyone who plays for Pat Sum- 
ing for Coach Summitt—have to mitt graduates,” she said. And no 

live by a different set of rules. It’s a one wanted to break that streak!
privilege to play sports at uT, but Living in the bubble may have 

athletes have to remember they been tough, but it prepared me for 
are always expected to represent the real world. Now, as I go about my 

the university with honor. That’s
professional career, I always remem- 
a good thing—because it helps ber that I am a member of the Lady 

students mature. But it can be un- Vol family and that now, just as I did 
nerving for a student fresh out of in school, I am expected to do my 

high school to suddenly be thrust best. As Coach Summitt said: once a 
into the limelight.
Lady Vol, Always a Lady Vol.

Athletes at Division I schools, 
and particularly at a sports-minded Former Lady Vol and four-time NCAA Final Four 

school such as uT, are always participant brittany jackson is the owner of the 
going to live under increased Brittany Jackson Basketball Academy, where she 

pressures and scrutiny. A regular oversees player training, camps, and clinics for all 
student who goes to a party might ages and talent levels. For more information, go to 

not have to worry about getting
Photograph by bryan allen

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