Page 48 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 48


illustration by r. Daniel Proctor

Dear Knoxonomist,

Nashville is known as “Music 

City,” but from what I hear, 

Knoxville has a tradition 

that rivals Nashville.
I have enjoyed seeing 

many live performances 

here, and I think I like 

the diversity in the music 

better. Am I starting an 

argument I can’t win?

Merry Dee Lewis 

—Fountain City

Dear Person Who Argues About Hank Williams, Sr., also played where they were? Did anybody really 

Things That Don’t Matter:
Knoxville several times in his short and know what time it was? Did anybody 
storied career, and is alleged to have really care?

Yes—but that’s fine. People do it all checked out of the Andrew Johnson Any discussion of live music in 
the time—particularly when arguing Hotel dead. Where he passed and when Knoxville would be incomplete if it did 

with the Knoxonomist. Knoxville has have all been heavily speculated upon, not include a few words on the contri- 
been a big deal in music and live music but the Knoxonomist wishes to think of butions of college-aged garage bands

since rural electrification. Knoxville it as a fusion of “Weekend at Bernie’s” of every decade. The names and genres 
was live music to folks in the Ten- with “The Hangover” with “The grapes change, but the youthful angst is always 

nessee Valley, because all radio was of Wrath.” It just seems cooler that way.
the same. Still, it is truly one of life’s 
live. Early on, the acts lacked much Famed Russian composer Sergei little jokes that all nonconformists end 

variety, but prior to the advent of live Rachmaninoff played his last perfor- up looking the same, no matter how 
radio, folks were listening to pappy on mance in Knoxville, as did Rock and they hold their clove cigarette.

a penny whistle or grandma playing Roll guitarist Randy Rhoads—which Bottom line? The Knoxonomist is oc- 
“Danny Boy” on the nose harp—and only proves that if your last name starts casionally nostalgic for a bar with lousy 

this was progress.
with an “R,” Knoxville should be near live music, a smelly carpet, several code 
Homer and Jethro were one of those the end of your touring schedule.
violations, and with the stones to serve 

early acts that performed in Knoxville. During the 1970s, all of the most- only old Milwaukee Beer in tall cans. 
They were a two-man comedy team popular music acts who toured Talk about knowing your market.

who were seriously accomplished routinely came to the Civic Coli- 
musicians. Visualize the whitest two seum. Indeed, when concerts were lit the Knoxonomist welcomes your questions—although 

guys you could possibly imagine—then with Bic lighters instead of iPhones, he will answer only those that interest him. Send your 
think a little less funky. This was Knoxville routinely punched above its inquiries to, and 

genteel vaudeville. Think of them as weight. The performers often forgot include your name, address, and daytime phone number. 
the Smothers Brothers for people who in which city they were playing, but it The Knoxonomist and his secretary are busy, however, and 

wore button-up shoes.
was the 70s—did anyone really know
regret that we cannot acknowledge receipt of e-mails.

46 january  february 2014

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