Page 46 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 46


illustration by Danny wilson

by george Korda




n the game of tennessee
State Senator Doug Overbey (R- U.S. Congressman Chuck Fleischmann 
∞ ∞ 
political chess, there are too many
Maryville): A Republican attorney, (R-TN): He is in his second term rep- 
pieces for not enough board and more overbey was elected in 2008 to the state resenting the Third District, and is on

potential candidates than major seats.
senate by mounting a successful primary the House committee on appropriations 
What follows is a list of East Tennes- challenge against Republican incumbent and various subcommittees (energy and 

seans who are maybe, likely, or certain to Raymond Finney.
water; homeland security; and labor, 
run in the future in congressional, senato- ∞ Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero: A health, and human services). An attorney, 

rial, and gubernatorial races. There are left-of-center Democrat and a dark horse, Fleischmann is a serious player who 
fewer Democrats than Republicans men- Rogero would presumably run if the seat sometimes casts an overly solemn image. 

tioned because fewer Democrats than were open, she were term-limited as may- ∞ GovernorBillHaslam:Ifcurrent 
Republicans can win in today’s Tennes- or, and didn’t mind the bashing she might Tennessee Senator Bob Corker runs for 

see. Democrats are like buffalo: they don’t take in a solidly Republican district.
president and leaves his Senate seat, it’s 
roam in numbers that once dominated ∞ SCORE President and Chief Executive almost certainly Haslam’s if he wants

the state’s politics for generations and as Officer Jamie Woodson: She is now pur- it, barring some shock to the political 
late as 20 years ago.
suing education reform, leading SCoRE system or as-yet untold revelations from 

(State Collaborative on Reforming Educa- the recent Pilot debacle. The same is 
tion). She is a former Republican state true if, or when, Alexander retires. As

(next election: November 2014)
House and Senate member—and she gath- a popular southern governor, Haslam
The Republican incumbent, John ers votes like a human vacuum cleaner.
is sometimes mentioned as a potential 

Duncan, Jr., is in Congress for as long
presidential or vice-presidential candi- 
as he likes. He has been in office for 25 GOVERNOR OR U.S. SENATOR
date, but that’s unlikely until he decides 

years, and he is as safe as they come. But (next elections: November 2014)
what to do about financial disclosure, 
someday the 2nd District seat, Republi- Tennessee’s political Boot Hill includes which at present he prefers to limit.

can since before the Civil War, will open. the tombstones of significant players who ∞ Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey 
Among the prominent possibilities (in aimed at higher office and missed, such (R-Blountville): As Speaker of the Ten- 

alphabetical order):
as Van Hilleary, Zach Wamp, and Harold nessee Senate, the upper-East Tennes- 
∞ Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett: He Ford, and many assorted state political see Ramsey, representing the Second 

has solid conservative Republican creden- party chairmen. But for some the siren District, is a big fish in the Tennessee 
tials and speaks fluent East Tennessee.
song is irresistible (in alphabetical order): pond. His options: Wait for governor 

∞ StateSenatorStaceyCampfield(R- ∞ Terry Adams: The Knoxville-based Haslam to be term-limited or try to run 
Knoxville): He has name recognition— attorney is seeking the Democratic on a national ticket, wait for Sena-

and if you believe the old saying that any nomination to run for Senator Lamar tor Bob Corker to perhaps run for the 
publicity is good publicity then you know Alexander’s seat. Winning the Demo- White House, or wait for Senator Lamar 

Campfield has generated plenty.
cratic nomination? Maybe. But beating Alexander to retire.
∞ State Representative Gloria Johnson (D- Alexander? In Tennessee?
∞ U.S. Congressman Phil Roe (R-TN): 

Knoxville): She would have an uphill battle ∞ State Representative Joe Carr He is a former Johnson City mayor, now 
as a Democrat (if she survives her own (R-Lascassas): He is running as the in his second term representing the First 

reelection); she talks a lot about education. self-proclaimed “principled conserva- District. Roe is a physician who positions 
∞ StateSenatorBeckyDuncanMassey tive” candidate in the Republican primary himself as a health care policy wheel.

(R-Knoxville): She is making a political against Alexander.
name for herself in her own right, and ∞ Jimmy Duncan: Should he tire of George Korda is a longtime news media political analyst and 

would be formidable for obvious reasons: Congress and decide, what the heck, why the president of Korda Communications, a public relations 
her brother is the incumbent.
not give it a try?
and communications consulting f̈rm based in Knoxville.

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