Page 44 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 44








total: 182
(out of 25)

The Cityview Rating relects the totals of the ive 
categories: Ambiance, Service, Food, Presentation, 
and Price. (25: Out of this World; 20 to 25: 
Excellent; 15 to 20: Very Good; 10 to 15: So-So;
5 to 10: Not Recommended; 0 to 5: Don’t Eat Here)

Photograph by bryan Starmer

Litton’s Market, Restaurant, and Bakery

An icon of Knoxville dining lives up to its reputation.

n our pantheon of local In the waiting area and throughout tain City community. Drink orders—no- 
eateries, Litton’s is an acknowledged the restaurant, Litton’s uT orange walls tably the local specialty beers on top— 

classic. opened as a grocery store in
are festooned with framed pages of old arrive quickly, as do the meals.
1946, Litton’s has retained its unpreten- Knoxville newspapers and black and A signature Thunder Road burger, 

tious neighborhood ambiance.
white photos of national and local ce- ordered medium rare, was cooked 
Perched on Essary Road, just off busy lebrities and uT football players of yore. perfectly—pink and juicy in the middle. 

North Broadway in Fountain City (leave “I can name 85 percent that are on the The buns are baked on premises and 
yourself extra time traveling to Litton’s board,” owner Eric Litton told WBIR taste great. The juiciness of the burger 

during the dining hours—up to 30 min- last year. “That’s what neighborhood testifies to the quality of the beef, 
utes if traveling from West Knoxville), markets are all about.”
which is ground onsite. The famous 

Litton’s is just around the corner from The red-topped tables in the main onion rings, cut and dipped each day 
the iconic Fountain City fountain and dining area provide the feel of a neigh- onsite, were crunchy and satisfying.

ducks. It looks, from the outside, like
borhood diner with an edge of fine din- A $20 T-bone was well-prepared and 
a diner. Parking is always tight, since ing. For cozier conversation, the booths flavorful. The French fries are of the 

the area outside the restaurant offers in the side dining room lend more pri- smaller cut. They were fine but not out 
the number of spaces for cars that you vacy. The Back Room provides the feel of the ordinary.

might find at an old-style strip mall. It’s of a sports bar. The informality works. The Red Velvet cake was moist with 
a good idea to watch for pedestrians and Whether you’ve brought the family, the just the right amount of flavor. The frost- 

other cars nosing in or backing out. Like softball team after a game, or friends ing was sweet—but not too sweet. The 
Mayberry, the Litton’s parking area is from out of town, you pick up quickly Italian Cream cake and Coconut Cr̀me 

not a place to be in a hurry.
that everyone is having a good time.
pie also lived up to their reputations.
When you walk in the front door, you The wait staff tends customers Litton’s plates are attractive and 

face a chalkboard, where you write your promptly and courteously. Since so tempting. They are also in keeping with 
name and the number in your party, and many regulars know what they want, the informal ambiance.

have a seat in the waiting area. Litton’s the waiters tend to ask, “Have you At $11.75, plus $2 to add the rings, the 
is almost always busy, but the line tends dined with us before?” If the answer
burgers are not the cheapest in town, 

to move quickly. While you wait, you is no, there is a description of the eve- but the price reflects the quality of the 
can walk by the glass case of desserts— ning’s specials and a few words about beef. This is the same for most of the 

slices of those famous Red Velvet and the signature meats and desserts and prices on the menu. Despite its diner 
Italian Cream cakes and Coconut Cream answers to any questions about Litton’s ambiance, Litton’s prices reflect the 

pies—and the famous cuts of beef.
unique features and its ties to the Foun-
preparation and contents.

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