Page 42 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 42

around town


Jessica “Rabbit” King

Downtown Knoxville denizen, former food and beverage 

director & bar manager for the Oliver Hotel and the Peter 

Kern Library—and creative craft cocktail connoisseur.

Photograph by tyler oxendine

essica “rabbit” King is a third-generation Knoxville native— JRK: When starting a new business, do it 
and proud of it. After honing her skills—and developing some thick skin—at the right way from the very start. Don’t 

Blue Cats in the Old City, King helped to develop the Peter Kern Library, skip the details or wait until things are 
Knoxville’s nationally recognized speakeasy at the Oliver Hotel. Now working on perfect—because they never are. Suc- 

her own projects, here Angelique Medow and King discuss Knoxville’s nightlife, ceeding in any business venture requires 
the trials of entrepreneurship—and sexy qualities in men.
100 percent of a person. You have to

eat, sleep, and breathe your idea until it 
comes to life. You can make no compro- 

mises with yourself or your convictions. ANGELIqUE MEDOW: You are absolutely ligence. As shocking as you are, how 
You have to be completely driven and memorable. What is the key to making a do you present yourself in the business 

self-motivated because no one else will lasting impression?
world so you get taken seriously?
do it for you. This kind of dedication 

requires long hours, little sleep, and great JESSICA KING: Ha! The uninhibited free- JRK: Someone very wise once told me 
patience from your loved ones. And for a dom of expression? I learned a long time not to worry about turning 30 because 

time, you may lose hobbies, battles, and ago, and try, as often as possible, to remind 30 is when people start to take you seri- 
even friends. But there are few things myself that my success began the moment ously. It did not occur to me that people 

better in life than being truly proud of I stopped worrying what other people weren’t already doing that. I’ve never 
yourself. And: Don’t raise a finger with- thought of me—and began worrying about thought that being a young and brazen 

out a contract!
what I thought of me. I hold myself to a southern woman was anything but a 
much higher standard than anyone else great advantage to me. My assets are my 

AM: You come from a family of entrepre- does. My mission is to do all things in life creativity, confidence, and bravery in the 
neurs, yes?
with style and grace. If that leaves an im- marketplace—as well as my resolve to 

pression on other people then I suppose I constantly innovate and improve.
JRK: My family started a business in have accomplished my goal.
Happy Holler many decades ago called What is the hardest lesson you’ve 
Triangle Music Company, which was a AM: Your beauty shocks people—and learned in business—and how did you 

jukebox, billiards, pinball, and, even-
later they are shocked by your intel-

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