Page 43 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 43

tually, arcade game rental and repair than five years. When we met, it was not 

company. upright games went the way love at first sight. Actually, I don’t think 
of the Dodo and so the business evolved we liked each other very much at all, but 

into what it is now: a vintage motorcycle- as we spoke and began learning about 
themed coffee shop called Time Warp one another, his morals, values, and prin- 

Tea Room. My parents owned a liquor cipals emerged. His refusal, like my own, 
store on Western Avenue and my uncle to compromise on these issues is what 

made millions selling yarn to the carpet drew us together and created the greatest 
industry in Dalton, georgia. I was taught relationship I’ve ever known with the 

that wealth and success comes from hard love of my lifetime. And don’t tell him I 
work, good ideas—and a lot of yarn.
said that!

AM: Some say you’ve revolutionized the AM: Describe a perfect date night.

Knoxville nightlife scene. What has been 
your greatest impact and of what are you JRK: At the risk of being a bore, a perfect 
most proud?
date night for me is cooking together 
with Aaron—or, rather, he cooks and I 
JRK: I took the opportunity at the Peter drink wine and make salad, and then
Kern Library to raise the bar (no pun we eat on the couch with our two giant 
intended) for what it means not only to dogs, which is followed by watching an 
drink in Knoxville, but to escape, to relax, old movie and having an argument about 

and to melt into the atmosphere that
something which neither one of us really 
we created. My moments of great pride care about. And then someone else does 

came from pushing myself to explore the the dishes.
Relationships are like homes.
boundaries of creative cocktails—and to You can do repairs as needed—or 

then sneak a glimpse at the expression on AM: Whichcityscenewouldyouliketo ignore minor repairs until the home 
a customer’s face when they got it, loved infuse into Knoxville—and why?
is looded. Assess whether your 
it, and couldn’t wait to try it again. The relationship has a leaky pipe or a 
highlights for me were when I knew for JRK: What I really love about Knox- 
looded basement:
certain that people were having a genu- ville is what has kept me here: the 
inely awesome time. That is the true kindness of its people. Their willing- Are your partner’s little 

spirit of hospitality and I cannot wait to ness to help, to try, and give. We smile at quirks annoying?
give Knoxville an even better experience.
strangers as they pass us on the street. 

We do it because our mommas told us to. Do you sleep on the corner of 
AM: What do you do for fun?
Men hold the door open for ladies and the bed to avoid your partner?

everyone says, “Excuse me,” if they get 
JRK: I like to travel as much as possible. anywhere near each other.
Have you stopped doing 

I think that second to love and family, it I really love the direction Knoxville nice things for each other?
is the best part of life. New York City is is headed. I would like to see a wider 
Do you ind yourself 
an endless font of inspiration for me. It
variety of cultural influences in food, 
is the epicenter of culture. It is a vacuum shopping, and festivities. Knoxville is yelling at each other?

for the extremes of class and strange. continuously shaping its own identity 
Every crack in the sidewalk of that city thanks to the individuals who are brave If you answered yes to 2 or more 

is fascinating to me and I go as often as I enough to believe that this little big city questions, call Bearden Behavioral 
can. I love Europe, as well; I spent a few will accept and support their efforts.
Health today. A relationship 

weeks in Rome this summer. The experi- I want to see downtown grow into a handyman is here to help.
ence was a game-changer for sure.
place that never sleeps—or at least not 

for very long.
AM: Let’s talk men. Sexiest qualities?

Angelique Medow is a 2012 Cityview Entrepreneur and the 
JRK: Morals! That may be a terrible an- Principal of Building Ideas, which provides design, decorating, 

swer. Aaron Thompson [owner/operator consultation, and project management for commercial and 
of Sapphire: A Modern Bar and Restau- residential properties. She also enjoys exercising her degree in 

rant] and I have been together for more
journalism from Arizona State University.


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